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Презентация на тему Washington

the capital of the USA. The city is not part of any of the United States; administratively is the district of Columbia.
Washingtonprepared student 11-a class Andrew Pryadko13.11.2014 the capital of the USA. The city is not part of any Located on the Potomac river. The area of 180 km. Population - 601 723 people Famous buildings  and monuments The white house - the residence of the U.S. President in Georgetown University is a private Catholic University. Founded in 1789 by United States Capitol is the seat of the U.S. Congress . Connects Washington Monument - erected in honor of the first U.S. President George Washington. The Pentagon The U.S. Supreme court
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 the capital of the USA. The city is

the capital of the USA. The city is not part of

not part of any of the United States; administratively

is the district of Columbia.

Слайд 3 Located on the Potomac river.
The area of

Located on the Potomac river. The area of 180 km. Population - 601 723 people

180 km.
Population - 601 723 people

Слайд 4 Famous buildings and monuments

Famous buildings and monuments

Слайд 5 The white house - the residence of the

The white house - the residence of the U.S. President

U.S. President in Washington. November 1, 1800 its first

owner was the second U.S. President John Adams.

Слайд 6 Georgetown University is a private Catholic University. Founded

Georgetown University is a private Catholic University. Founded in 1789

in 1789 by John Carroll, is the oldest Catholic

University in the USA.

Слайд 7 United States Capitol is the seat of the

United States Capitol is the seat of the U.S. Congress .

U.S. Congress . Connects to the Washington Monument and

the Lincoln Monument 1800-meter National Mall.

Слайд 8 Washington Monument - erected in honor of the

Washington Monument - erected in honor of the first U.S. President George Washington.

first U.S. President George Washington.

Слайд 9 The Pentagon

The Pentagon

  • Имя файла: washington.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 139
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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