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Презентации по Английскому языку


Разделительные вопросы нужны для поддержания беседы, а не для получения информации. Говорящий использует их, чтобы пригласить собеседника согласиться с ним или исправить его. Такие предложения есть и в русском языке. У нас эти предложения обычно заканчиваются словами: «не правда ли?», «не

Royal Opera House
Royal Opera House

Here in 1892 for the first time in the UK was performed grand opera of Wagner "Ring des Nibelungen" under the eminent composer Gustav Mahler. The building is home for the royal permanent opera and ballet troupes. On it’s stage

англ. праздники
англ. праздники

New Year’s day (January, 1)There are a number of holidays, which are celebrated in Great Britain every year. One of them is, of course, New Year's Day on 1 January. It is not so popular in England as in our country,


10203040501020304050102030405010203040501020304050English literaturej.K. rOWLINGCHARACTERSWRITERSBOOKSCLEVER HEADS 14ENGLISH LITERATURE10How many lines does a sonnet have?


Contents1 Definition2 Climate classification3 Record3.1 Modern3.2 Paleoclimatology4 Climate change4.1 Climate models5 References What is Climate? Climate = the average and variations of weather over a long period of time (~30 years) but other periods may be used depending on the purpose. Climate also includes statistics other


Der Sommer… das ist die Sonne, die Natur, der Fluss und der Wald. Langere Reise mit Ubernachtunger in einem Zelt jch findet besjnders toll.

Парад Алфавита
Парад Алфавита

Dear children , Hi! I am brave and funny . My friends are Marty, Melman and Gloria. Marty is merry . Melman is smart. Gloria is talented. We like playing together. We are good friends. Welcome

Мой английский язык
Мой английский язык

LESSON 1ПРИВЕТСТВИЕ Hello! –Hi (Хэлоу! –Хай!)Здравствуй! – Привет!How are you? (Хау а ю?)Как дела?I am fine. Thank you. (Ай эм файн, сенк ю)Хорошо, спасибо.And you? (Энд ю?)А у Вас? ( А у тебя?)I am fine too. (Ай эмфайн ту)У меня тоже


Sport is as old as the humanity itself. To my mind we can hardly overestimate the meaning of sport in our life and day-to-day activities. Its main purpose is to bring up the harmoniously developed generation - the generation of strong

Traditions of Great Britain
Traditions of Great Britain

Christmas traditions of Great Britain At Christmas, all the windows of country houses lit by candles in the UK, so the locals night on Christmas Eve is called the "night of candles." In many villages, shortly before the holiday women organized competitions for the best

Welcome to SCOTLAND
Welcome to SCOTLAND

He who has not seen Scotland does not really know Great Britain. The national emblem of Scotland is a thistle. It is a purple plant with big thorns.

Английский язык
Английский язык

Прогуляемся по Англии!1 . Знаменитый магазин игрушек - Hamleys2. Самая длинная река - Темза 3. Популярный парк - Hyde park4. Самый старый мост - Тауэрский5. Самое большое колесо -Wheey6. Самое популярное место встречи – Trafalga square7. Королева Англии - Элизабет8. В

Expressions with have
Expressions with have

Have = eat, drink, take Havebreakfastlunchdinnera sandwicha pizzaa cup of coffeesome milk HaveHavea showera bath

Cooking lessons
Cooking lessons

Recipe book ( Cooking book ) Recipe book for childrenPictures ( illustrations )Names of products ( ingredients)Popular dishesInstructionsRecipes

Teen Camp Activities
Teen Camp Activities

Teen Camp ActivitiesVocabularyUnit 6b, Spotlight 7

Education in Great Britain
Education in Great Britain

Twelve million children attend about 40.000 schools in Britain. Education in Great Britain is compulsory and free for all children between the ages of 5 and 16. There are many children who attend a nursery school from the age of 3,

Biography of William Shakespeare
Biography of William Shakespeare

Цели и задачи мероприятия:Ознакомимся с биографическими сведениями и творчеством У. Шекспира. Развиваем навыки говорения и аудирования в процессе творческого общения друг с другом и преподавателем по заданной тематике.Развиваем интерес к культурному наследию Великобритании, расширим кругозор по данной теме. Формируем

Первое путишествие в мир английского языка
Первое путишествие в мир английского языка

According to our theme of the lesson can you guess what will be the aims of our lesson? Согласно темы урока, вы можете предположить, каковы будут цели урока?How do you think, what we shall do today? Как ты думаешь, чем мы

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