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Презентации по Английскому языку

Переводческие приемы
Переводческие приемы

ЭквивалентыDog-bee трутеньDog-bolt откидной болтDog-collar ошейникThe shadows of the gods сумерки богов Частичные эквивалентыdirt cheap дешевле пареной репыShadow тень

Лексическое значение слова
Лексическое значение слова

Навчитися пояснювати лексичне значення слова. Розрізняти лексичне значення та граматичне.Розпізнавати багатозначні слова, правильно вживати їх у мовленні.З’ясувати пряме та переносне значення слова, правильно використовувати його.Помічати та виправляти лексичні помилки.Збагачувати свій словниковий запас. КРОК ЗА КРОКОММЕТА НАШОГО УРОКУ Слова

Церковь Иоанна Предтечи
Церковь Иоанна Предтечи

St. John the Baptist ChurchSt. John the Baptist Church, dating from the 1680s, is the acme of traditional Russian architecture. Where is located It was built in 1671-1687 on the bank of Kotorosl river in the Tolchkovo Sloboda (district) which at

Правительство и конституция США
Правительство и конституция США

Who Rules the Country? This flag symbolizes the colony of Great Britain. The “Continental flag”

New Zealand’s Specials:A Future Sociologist’s View
New Zealand’s Specials:A Future Sociologist’s View

CategoriesFamous PeopleNatural ThingsInteresting CitiesSociological Things CategoriesFamous PeoplePeter JacksonLordeDean O'GormanChris RankinNatural ThingsInteresting CitiesSociological Things

Алиса в стране чудес. Викторина
Алиса в стране чудес. Викторина

Как звали главную героиню сказки ?А) МарияБ) Полина В) Алиса В какое время года происходили события сказки?А) Summer Б) Autumnв) Winter г) Spring

Landscape paintings
Landscape paintings

Our life seems to be impossible without art. It really occupies an important part in our daily life. Also it makes our life brighter, richer and more intellectual. So, art units different people, influences the development of personality, makes our world


C’est la Normandie. C’est la Haute-Normandie.


Rockers appeared in the mid 60s and reached their peak in the late 60s - early 70s , both in England and on the continent . Rockers - come mostly from families of unskilled workers , and often without education, from

дидактическая система Яновицкой
дидактическая система Яновицкой

Блок № 1 – 1 часБлок № 2 3 часаБлок № 3 Блок № 4 – 1 часБлок № 5 – 10 мин. Блок №1разминкаизбыточная информацияапеллирование к жизненному опыту, развитие навыков диалогической речи

The numerals
The numerals

1. Answer these questions. Write your answers in words. When were you born?_____________________________________________________ How much do you weigh?__________________________________________________ What is the number of the flat or house where you live?_____________________________ Is that an odd or an even number?______________________________________________ What is

Healthy lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle

Nowadays our life is getting more and more tense. People constantly suffer from stress, noise and dust in big cities, diseases and instability. Person should be strong and healthy in order to overcome all difficulties. There are several ways to do

The genius of the world music
The genius of the world music

Austria, the country connected with the name of W. A. MozartAustria is situated in the centre of Europe. It is famous for musical life, because more than one hundred composers were born in the country. One of the most beautiful cities

English Kings and Queens.
English Kings and Queens.

Egbert (802-39)Aethelwulf (839-55)Aethelbald (855-60)Aethelbert (860-6)Aethelred (866-71)Alfred the Great (871-99)Edward the Elder (899-925)Athelstan(925-40)Saxon and Danish Kings Edmund the Magnificent(940-6)Eadred(946-55)Eadwig (Edwy) (955-59)Edgar the Peaceable(959-75)Edward the Martyr (975-78)Aethelred the Unready(978-1016)Edmund Ironside(1016)

Tall or high
Tall or high

OppositesThe opposite of tall is…low shortThe opposite of high is…low short OppositesThe opposite of tall is…low shortThe opposite of high is…low short

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