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Презентации по Английскому языку

Youth subculture
Youth subculture

The subculture „PUNK” was created in the early 70s in the UK. Characteristic feature of the young people it was a battle against everything nice and tidy. creation date of July 6, 1976, the Sex Pistols concert PUNK Their trademark is

С Алисой в Страну чудес
С Алисой в Страну чудес

Lewis Carroll (the pen-name of Charles L. Dodgson) was born in the village of Daresbury, England, on January 27, 1832. The eldest boy in a family of 11 children, Carroll was very good at mathematics and won many academic prizes. He


The motto of our lesson is:The more you live ,The more you travel,The more you travel,The more you see,The more you see,The more you learn. Тhe epigraph of our lesson is: “The world is a book and those who don’t travel

Present Simple Tense
Present Simple Tense

Tregubenko N.V.ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ PRESENT SIMPLEа) Утвердительные формы:Утвердительные формы Present Simple представляют собой основную форму глагола (Basic verb form) за единственным исключением: в 3-ем лице ед. числа к основной форме глагола прибавляется окончание -s. Tregubenko N.V.ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ PRESENT SIMPLEPresent SimpleSimpleTensesPresent SimpleThe Infinitive

Love Letter
Love Letter

Writing effective and heart touching Valentine's Day Love Letters is quite an art in itself. To perfect this art one needs a will to express and lots of love for the recipient of the letter. An added touch of imagination and

Конфликты. Conflicts
Конфликты. Conflicts

What is a conflict? A conflict - a clash of opposing goals,interests, opinions and views of people. It is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen, because all people are different from each other. Each person is unique in

Hippies in our life!
Hippies in our life!

       On streets spring hippies wander.To grated old jeans have stuckEarth lumps, small stalks and blades.And to a city fresh paints in a novelty,And the winter skin – is rough and close.The city has got rid of boredom and a rash –Be


Yalta is a resort city in Crimea, southern Ukraine, on the north coast of the Black Sea. The city is located on the site of an ancient Greek colony, said to have been founded by Greek sailors who were looking for


Храми Японії та Китаю Буддійський храм СенсодзіЗа легендою , 5 - сантиметрова статуя богині Каннон , яка зараз зберігається у вівтарі храму , була виловлена ​​рибалками у водах річки Сумида в 628 році. Сільський староста , угледівши божественне походження статуї ,

Animals in our life
Animals in our life

Тема урока: Animals in our life Совершенствование навыков диалогической речиСовершенствование навыков монологической речиРазвитие навыков мышления, синтеза, анализа и обобщенияВоспитание и изучение культуры и традиций другого языка Цели урока


This is my flat . It is big and niceThere is a hall, a bathroom, a bedroom, kitchen and a living room .The bathroom and the bedroom are on the leftThe kitchen and the living room are on the rightThere is

Scary Halloween Story
Scary Halloween Story

Hallowe’en.31 October is Hallowe’en. This festival celebrates the return of the souls of the deads who come back to visit places where they lived. There are lots of Hallowe’en parties in the evening. People dress up as witches,

Countries & Nationalities (Part 2)
Countries & Nationalities (Part 2)

What is his name? Where is he from?His name isValery Meladze.He is fromGeorgia.He is Georgian. What is her name? Where is she from?Her name isEdita Piekha.She is from Poland.She is Polish.

Магазины. Покупки. 6 класс
Магазины. Покупки. 6 класс

Тема урока: «Магазины. Покупки.»Цели: Развитие навыков монологической речи.Развитие логического мышления. Воспитание этического поведения «продавцов» и «покупателей». Речевая зарядкапроводится в группах, сформированных по цветовой гамме.Задание: из отдельно взятых фраз построить логически завершенный диалог и разыграть его-Thank you. There`s a shopping list.-Oh,we`ve

Урок развития связной речи
Урок развития связной речи

Урок 2 Подружилися Переказ Прочитай текст. КІТ ВАСЬКО Микола любить гратися з котиком Васьком. Васько — великий пустун. То в черевик залізе, то в піч шугоне і вийде звідти не сірий, а чорний. А якось уранці надумав ганятися за синичкою. Її Миколка

High-quality English / Russian / Ukrainian translations
High-quality English / Russian / Ukrainian translations

Welcome message Welcome messageHello, My name is Stanislav and welcome to my presentation!This short demonstration will show you why I am the best choice for high-quality English / Russian / Ukrainian translations.Thank you!


Skateboarding – is an action sport which involves riding and performing tricks using a skateboard Skateboarding styles : TransportationMilitaryTrampboardingSwing boardingControversy Skateboarding has been shaped and influenced by many skateboarders throughout the years. A 2002 report found that

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