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Презентации по Английскому языку

Nobel laureate
Nobel laureate

Biography Konstantin Novoselov Konstantin Novoselov was born in Nizhny Tagil, Soviet Union, in 1974 in a Russian family.He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with a MSc degree in 1997 CareerConstantine worked under the direction of Andre


LocationHistorySightseeingOutstanding peopleRecommendations for visitorsSalisbury LocationSalisbury Salisbury is a cathedral city in Wiltshire, England. The city forms the largest part of the Salisbury district. The city is located in the south-east of Wiltshire, at the edge of Salisbury Plain.Salisbury is located

Sport is our Life
Sport is our Life

Sport is our life. We go in for sport every day. It helps us to keep fit. The most popular sport among girls is…

Грамматические особенности русского и английского языков
Грамматические особенности русского и английского языков

Интеграция - integration - объединение в целое каких- либо частей. Интегрированный - integrated – объединённый. Аналогия - analogy – сходство, подобие в определенном отношении предметов, явлений или понятий, в целом различных.

Буква и звук М
Буква и звук М

Дві сестрички невеличкі Одягли нові спіднички. Узялись міцніш за руки – І гулять мерщій на луки. Біжимо - не доженем, Не сестричок - букву «М».

PCR and sequence
PCR and sequence

HYBRIDIZATION? – Yes, it is about this familiar picture We can denaturate and renaturate DNA by heating/coolinghttp://www.biology.arizona.edu/molecular_bio/problem_sets/m/graphics/05ta.gif

Транспорт в Лондоне
Транспорт в Лондоне

Метро – The tube Overground «Лондонская надземка»


A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire in an area of combustible vegetation that occurs in the countryside or a wilderness area. A wildfire differs from other fires by its extensive size, the speed at which it can spread out from its

the most famous museums in the world
the most famous museums in the world

Louvre Museum (Paris, France) - National Museum of France, one of the most visited museums in the world and the third largest in the world. In addition, the Louvre is one of the first European museums. The museum is located in

My Favourite Food
My Favourite Food

I love bananasWhat do you usually have for your breakfast?

Guy Fawkes' Day (День Гая Фокса)
Guy Fawkes' Day (День Гая Фокса)

Это один из уникальных праздников Англии, возникший из совсем не праздничного события. 5 ноября 1605 года кучка католиков попыталась взорвать здание парламента вместе с правительством, королём Джеймсом I, королевой и их сыном. Заговорщики были недовольны отношением короля к католикам и надеялись,

Britain’s young consumers
Britain’s young consumers

Tongue-twisters[m] The Manager of the Menagerie Imagined he was a manager of an imaginary Menagerie'. [o] She stops at the shops where I shop, and if she shops at the shops where I shop I won’t stop

Trick or treat
Trick or treat

Задачи урока:Познакомиться с традициями Англии на примере праздника “Halloween”.Тренировать произношение слов и отдельных звуков.Совершенствовать навыки чтения, говорения, аудирования. Poems to enjoyTrick or treat, trick or treat,Give us something good to eat!Give us candy, give us cake,Give us something good to take…

New Year and Christmas
New Year and Christmas

Decorating New Year’s tree The New Year’s dinner

Презентация День Благодарения (Thanksgiving Day)
Презентация День Благодарения (Thanksgiving Day)

Thanksgiving Day Origin of Thanksgiving DayThanksgiving is America's preeminent day. It is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday in the month of November. It has a very interesting history. Its origin can be traced back to the 16th century when


Vk.comVK (Originally VKontakte, Russian: ВКонтакте)[3] is a European social network service popular among Russian-speaking users around the world. It is especially popular in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Belarus, and Israel. VK is a Facebook clone, with several common features, such as

The Past Simple Tense
The Past Simple Tense

The aim of this lesson is to repeat all information about the Past Simple Choose the right sentences in the Past Simple Tense: 1. We celebrate my birthday today. a) We celebrated my birthday today. b) We

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