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Презентации по Английскому языку

Интервью с Леонардо ДиКаприо
Интервью с Леонардо ДиКаприо

His latest venture is heading up survival epic Revenant and has already had whispers of Oscar nominations. We take a trip down Memory Lane to when we spoke to him in 2010 after he'd just made Inception, where we picked his brains on some

Do You Know Great Britain?
Do You Know Great Britain?

QUIZDo You Know Great Britain? Who? What? When? Where? Who?When?What?Where?

The weather
The weather

5 JuneOn Friday it will be promise light rain and mostly falling on Friday night. Warm max 30°C on Friday afternoon, min 15°C on Saturday morning. Mainly fresh winds. 6 JuneOn Saturday


State is situated in the Midwestern of the US. Date of formation of Michigan - January 26, 1837Michigan USA on the map The capital of Michigan – Lansing The largest city - Detroit, other cities - Grand Rapids, Warren, Flint,

Gothic art
Gothic art

The Gothic Art is a stile which was developed in Western Europe from Medium ages till the Renaissance. The term “Gothic” was used for first time in 16th century for the Italian historian Giorgio Vasari.

Highland games
Highland games

Brief information Highland games are events held throughout the year in Scotland and other countries.Certain aspects of the games are so well known as to have become emblematic of Scotland.The games also include entertainment and exhibits related to other aspects of


Every year more and more plants and animals disappear never to be seen again. Trees are also in serious danger


Спойте песенку- диалог между кошкой и мышкой-Little mouse (2p), where is your house? – маленькая мышка где твой домик?(литл мауз вериз ё хауз)?Little cat (2p), i have no flat. –маленький котик, у меня нет домика. (литл кат ай хев ноу флэт).

My Free Time and Hobbies I Take Up
My Free Time and Hobbies I Take Up

Usually I don`t have any free time, but when it happens I try to make it colorful and funny. Mostly I go out with my friends

Pallas’s Cat
Pallas’s Cat

Well-furred cats from the cold Asian steppes, Pallas’s Cats Otocolobus manul are also called Manul, Steppe Cat or Rock Wildcat. DistributionManul occur in Central Asia, from the Caspian Sea through Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and northern India to central China, Mongolia and southern Russia. 

Funny animals
Funny animals

Pekingese Puggi - winner of the longest tongue in the world - see 10.16cm. Reticulated python Fluffy - the longest snake alive. Its length - 7.32meters.

Rhymes for children
Rhymes for children

A Brave Mouse I am a brave, brave Mouse. I am marching through the house. All day long I dance


Школьное Методическое Объединение учителей иностранного языка – это:Балачина Елена Леоновна, высшая кв. категория, руководитель ШМОВеренич Елизавета АлексадровнаВеснова Дарья ИгоревнаГалай Наталья Николаевна, 2-ая кв. категорияКанашонок Тамара Николаевна, высшая кв. категорияМаксимович

Неисчисляемые существительные
Неисчисляемые существительные

Food shop СOUNTABLE NOUNSСOUNTABLE NOUNS - можно посчитать.one appleten eggs

My ideal school (Моя идеальная школа)
My ideal school (Моя идеальная школа)

My ideal school is near the city center. It’s a day school for boys and girls.


Phonetic drillWhether the weather be fineOr whether the weather be not,Whether the weather be coldOr whether the weather be hot,We’ll weather the weather Whatever the weatherWhether we like It or not. Remember the words, then give the Russian equivalentsAchievementbeachdamagedisasterdroughtEarthearthquakeexplorationfloodbreakexplorelaunchHurricaneMoonplanetpoleresearchresearcherdestroyhurthumidmiserablestormy

Грамматика с песней
Грамматика с песней

THE BEATLESбританская рок-группа из Ливерпуля, основанная в 1960 году, в составе которой играли: Джон Леннон, Пол Маккартни, Джордж Харрисон, Ринго Старр. Дискография группы включает 13 официальных студийных альбомов, изданных в 1963—1970 гг, и 211 песен.; отдельно участников ансамбля называют «битлами», также

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