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Презентации по Английскому языку

Букингемский дворец — символ Великобритании
Букингемский дворец — символ Великобритании

Buckingham Palace is the symbol of London and the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Buckinghem Palace is the official home of the Queen.

Health Habits
Health Habits

People say that you are what you eat. Our health depends on many things: the food we eat, our good or bad habits, our physical activity.

It’s your planet
It’s your planet

For each generation, it's our job to take care of our planet in order for our kids and grandkids to have this beautiful world to enjoy.Iryna PetrovaSumy Specialised school 7 Today, more than ever, environmental issues are top of mind. But

Викторина по сказкам Р.Киплинга
Викторина по сказкам Р.Киплинга

ДжозефРедьярд Киплинг КАКИЕ СКАЗКИ р.Киплинга вы знаете?What Kipling’s fairy tales do you know ?

Опис досвіду вчителя англійської мови Скочко Ольги Леонідівни
Опис досвіду вчителя англійської мови Скочко Ольги Леонідівни

Моє педагогічне кредо : Вчити так, щоб очі дітей світилися завзяттям, усе хотіли вміти і бажали знати, щоб згадували через роки і в очах не було байдужості Прагну: Переконана: заохочувати

умение читать
умение читать

Ведущие целевые установки и основные ожидаемые результаты обучения Сформированные:личностные, регулятивные, коммуникативные, познавательные универсальные учебные действия, учебная (общая и предметная) компетентность, общепользовательская ИКТ-компетентность учащихся Учебная ситуация - особая структурная единица учебной деятельностиУчебная ситуация должна создать условия, провоцирующие детское действие


This year we celebrate the 70th anniversary. In this war 6.8 million Soviet soldiers were killed and 4.4 million died in captivity. The Soviet Union lost 26.6 million men and women in total.1941-1945 Poems about the Great Patriotic War YULIYA

Игра“Valentine’s Day”
Игра“Valentine’s Day”

Units154324321425312513412345 Who was the 14th of February announced as Valentine’s Day ? CladiusCaesarGelasius


The World Trade Center in New York was built according to the project of Japanese architect to the minor Of Yamasaki, it was built to 1970, it is officially opened on April 4, 1973 and it was destroyed as a result

Problems of international logistics
Problems of international logistics

According to the reporters’ research, the logistics industry is currently facing some problems such as capacity, infrastructure, security, rising truck rates etc. One of the more difficult aspects of supply chain management is trying to understand the full capabilities of your


Nightingale A small bird that can sing better than any other.It usually sings at night, but it can sing in daytime too. Ostrich It is easy to teach these birds that live in South Africa, Australia and South America

A Biography of Ernest Hemingway
A Biography of Ernest Hemingway

Who Is Ernest Hemingway?Born into a strict, Protestant familyFamous and well accomplished author (49 short stories and over 10 novels)Nobel Peace Prize winnerAvid hunter and fisherConsidered a hero of WWICommitted suicide in Idaho (1961)Used the experiences of his life to create

Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween

Halloween is coming!Take the quiz!Get set to shiver What day is Halloween celebrated on?October 30October 31November 1March 31


Starfish Starfish - interesting and mysterious animal.


The official name of the country is Italy. It is situated in the Europe. It is washed Medetterania sea. Flag of ItalyFor the first time the Italian tricolor appeared on January 7, 1797 in Aemilia as a flag of

Industry of Tatarstan
Industry of Tatarstan

Tatarstan is one of the most developed economical regions in Russia. The republic is located in the middle of the large industrial area of Russian Federation, at the important ways junction connecting east and west, north and south of the state.

Звери и птицы
Звери и птицы

A a alligator The alligator sails quickly It goes on the land slowly. It lives in Africa B bBear The Bear lives in the forest.It loves fish аnd honey.It sleeps in winter.

The Earth needs a friend
The Earth needs a friend

Today at the lessonEnvironmental problems.How can we help?Article “the” with the features of the environment (review). LET’S TWIST YOUR TONGUEWhen write copyyouthe rightto copyrightthe copyyouhave writeyou

What is your favourite subject
What is your favourite subject

Цель :Познакомиться с новыми лексическими понятиями по теме «Школьные предметы».Задачи:Обучение навыкам чтенияПриобщение к культуре страны изучаемого языкаАктивизация речевых навыков SubjectsArtPhysicsGeographyChemistryScienceBiologyMathematicsHistory English LanguageHome EconomicsDesign and TechnologyInformation TechnologyPhysical Education

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