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Презентации по Английскому языку

Home, sweet home
Home, sweet home


John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

J.R.R. Tolkien wrote popular books of fantasy fiction. The most famous of his books are The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

Школа вчера и сегодня
Школа вчера и сегодня

WORD WEB school expectations and worries WORD WEB school expectations and worriesReport cardto be a newcomer a lot of difficult homeworkto take testsStrict teachersNew subject

There is/are
There is/are

There is/areУпотребляем,когда хотим сказать о наличии или отсутствии чего либо.Предложения строим по строгому порядку:1 There is/are 2.что 3.гдеThere is a bed in in the bedroomВ cпальне есть кровать. There is-един.число There are-множ.числоThere is a balcony in

О работе музея
О работе музея

Богатая истории Вазьянской школы ведется с 1899 года, когда в селе была

Английский для тебя
Английский для тебя

ENGLISH FOR YOUForm 6 Может ли компьютер заменить учителя?

Глагол to have got
Глагол to have got

Глагол to have got имеет следующие формы:I have got You have gotWe have gotThey have got He has got She has got It has got It has got a flower.I have got

Льюис Кэрролл
Льюис Кэрролл

Lewis Carroll’s real name wasCharles Lutwidge Dodgson. He was born in Daresbury in Cheshire, England on 27th January 1832.

Наше здоровье – в наших руках
Наше здоровье – в наших руках

PROVERBS AND SAYINGS ABOUT HEALTH: (Пословицы и поговорки о здоровье) Good health is above wealth. - Доброе здоровье дороже богатства.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. – Кто рано ложится и рано встаёт здоровье,

Считалочки на английском языке
Считалочки на английском языке

One, two, three, four, five,I am flying in the sky.I am a toy airplane,My name starts with “A”!A A cuckoo clockSays “tick-tock”.Who says “cuckoo”You know too!


London London, the capital of England and the United Kingdom, was founded 2000 years ago by the Romans as Londinium.

Present Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous tense Используется:Для выражения действий, происходящих в момент разговора.Look! Somebody is trying to break your car!С always для выражения раздражения или критики.She is always shouting at me!Для выражения назначенных договоренностей.I am buying a car tomorrow. I have the money.Для


Информационная служба RUSSIAinfo создана в университете Хельсинки по инициативе и при поддержке Министерства Просвещения Финляндии RUSSIAinfo предлагает доступ к электронным ресурсам по России для академического международного круга пользователей Метаданные: на английским и на финском

Travelling. What for…?
Travelling. What for…?

NEW WORDS TO REMEMBERadvantageairportcoachnumberplaterequest stoptravelcardundergroundconvenientto be short of moneyto broadento get cross with smbdin favour of … Repeat it after me, please… Every country has its customs.There is no place like home. The wider we roam the welcomer home.East or West,

Национальные кухни на английском
Национальные кухни на английском

ITALIANS EAT A LOT OFPastaCheeseWhite breadPizza British national food isFISH AND CHIPSPORRIDGE

Sour cream cakes with currants
Sour cream cakes with currants

Ingredients sour cream 1 cupSugar 1 cupEgg 2 pcs.vegetable oil 100 gwheat flour 2 cupsWeeder 2 tspBlackcurrant 1 cupUp to 6 servings PREPARATIONCombine in the eggs, sugar, cream, butter. Well rub or beat with a mixеr.

Буквы английского алфавита
Буквы английского алфавита

A a A is for Apples and Apple-trees You can see apples on apple-treesAa[eɪ]

Winnie-the - Pooh
Winnie-the - Pooh

What animal likes honey?What is his name? Winnie the Pooh“H” is for honey. It is so sweet.“Let’s take a little”, Says brother Pete. Winnie the Pooh goes to his friend Rabbit.

Samuel Butler
Samuel Butler

Samuel Butler was a poet and satirist. He is remembered now chiefly for a longsatirical poem entitled Hudibras. Samuel Butler was born in Strensham, Worcestershire, and was the son of a farmer and churchwarden, also named Samuel. His date of birth

Seasons’ meeting
Seasons’ meeting

SpringThis is the season When snowdrops bloom! SpringI’ happy! I’m happy! I sing all day! It’s spring! It’s spring again!

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