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Презентации по Английскому языку

William Shakespeare. The greatest English poet and dramatist
William Shakespeare. The greatest English poet and dramatist

William Shakespeare. The greatest English poet and dramatist.Memorial Theatre in Stratford-on-Avon. William Shakespeare, the greatest English poet and dramatist. He was born in April 1564 at Stratford-upon-Avon. Stratford – prosperous, self-governing market town.The Avon –


Ғалымдардың есептеуі бойынша ЖҚТБ (СПИД) ең алғаш 20 ғасырдың 70 жылдары АҚШ, Гаити, Африкада тіркелген, 1979-81 жылдары Нью-Йорк пен Лос-Анжелес дәрігерлері адамдардан иммунитеттің нашарлығын байқаған. Олар қан тамырының ісігі (саркома Капоши) және пневманияның сирек формасымен ауыратын адамдар. 1982 жылы ауруларды бақылау

Tom Hanks
Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks was born July 9, 1956 in Oakland (California). After the divorce of his parents, by the decision of the court, was handed over to the care of another family. Already in his youth Tom Hanks showed outstanding acting ability

The Field of Mars
The Field of Mars

The Field of MarsTsarina’s meadow (the Rossi’s pavilion in the Mihailovsky garden) The Field of MarsMonument to SuvorovObelisk “To Roumiantsev’s victories

На озере. Тренажёр по английскому языку
На озере. Тренажёр по английскому языку

ВперёдСоставил Хмеленок Николай Павлович Yes!

Традиции Великобритании
Традиции Великобритании

Holidays and traditions are the essential part of every country`s culture. It is impossible to know the language in high level if you don`t know the history and culture of this country. British people are proud of their

Thomas Gainsborough
Thomas Gainsborough

Thomas Gainsborough's houseThomas Gainsborough was an English portrait and landscape painter. He was born the youngest son of John Gainsborough, a weaver in Suffolk. He painted quickly and his pictures are characterized by a light palette and easy strokes. He preferred


Sense of the English word "punk" is "rvan'", "rubbish", "shpana". In tatters, with irokezami and innermost contempt to the whole world - such we get pans. And who are these new boys which well go to school decently dressed then, cut,

Meine Stadt perm
Meine Stadt perm

Das Wappen unserer Stadt In unserer Sradt wohnt 1 Millione Menschen

Favourite sports
Favourite sports

Определите тему урока. Favourite sports Прослушайте слова, дайте перевод слов созвучных с русскими названиями.basketballgolftennistable tennis (ping-pong)chessjudogymnasticsboxingcricketfootball


London and its streetsCharring Cross Road SohoThe Strand London and its streetsOxford Street Regent StreetFleet Street

Hippies in our life!
Hippies in our life!

       On streets spring hippies wander.To grated old jeans have stuckEarth lumps, small stalks and blades.And to a city fresh paints in a novelty,And the winter skin – is rough and close.The city has got rid of boredom and a rash –Be


  22 січня на базі ПТУ №25 м. Зінькова Полтавської області відбувся конкурс професійної майстерності серед учнів І-ІІ курсів професії «Перукар – (перукар – модельєр), манікюрник» МЕТА КОНКУРСУКонкурс проводиться з метою виявлення, та підвищення рівня професійних та творчих здібностей учнів. Підвищення


Грибы – это не растения и не животные, а представители особого царства, охватывающего свыше 100 тыс. видов,


On Easter festival people decorate churches with white lilies and all the families go there. After church people walk down the streets in their new Easter hats and suits. This procession of people is called Easter Parade.

Castles in Britain Stories about Ghosts in Castles
Castles in Britain Stories about Ghosts in Castles

Muncaster Castle in Cambria Muncaster CastleMuncaster Castle in Cambria is haunted by the ghost of a mysterious White Lady as well as by Tom Fool a jester who worked in the castle 400 years ago and now likes to play tricks

School things
School things

Hello! I`m Artem Dmitryuk. I am a schoolboy. I study in school № 6 in the settlement of Talakan. My school is neither big nor small, but it is modern and new. I like my school, because I am fond of

Презентации из раздела Английский язык. Для просмотра учебных материалов воспользуйтесь проигрывателем. Любую презентацию на заданную тему можно скачать внизу страницы, поделившись ссылкой в социальных сетях. Не забудьте добавить наш сайт презентаций в закладки!