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Презентации по Английскому языку

Samsung Galaxy camera
Samsung Galaxy camera

2ContentsWhy Samsung GALAXY CameraProduct OverviewUnique Sales Points1 min Sales TalkAccessoriesGeneral Specification Why Samsung GALAXY Camera

My school timetable
My school timetable

Art MathsGeographyScience basketball PE (Physical Education)chess club

Аржановское с/п
Аржановское с/п

Поселение состоит из четырёх населенных пунктов: ст.Аржановская ст.Зотовская х.Плёс х.Сидоровский Население сельского поселения

Fun Activities
Fun Activities

Have you ever been to … ?A Theme ParkC CircusB Fun Fair Present Perfect TenseAffirmativeNegativeI have flown You have exploredHe has riddenShe has eatenWe have goneThey have metI haven’t flownYou haven’t exploredHe hasn’t riddenShe hasn’t eatenWe haven’t goneThey haven’t met

Summer funny stories
Summer funny stories

Cringe – making stories Past simple tenseVed2did

Дни недели
Дни недели

Read and match.1. a subject a. музыка2. English b. чтение3. Maths c. рисование4. PE


Sample tASKYou have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Mary who writesWrite a letter to Mary.In your letter- Tell her about your journey to Italy- ask 3 questions about her plans for the summerWrite 100-140 wordsRemember the rules of writing…

Best among the best
Best among the best

What is the oldest university of GB? What is the national emblem of England? How many parts does the UK have? Who is officially head of the UK? What it the highest mountain in Scotland? Where is the Statue of

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson

The BeginningMarch 4, 1801Thomas Jefferson is the first President inaugurated in the new capital city of Washington D.C.He delivers his first inaugural address. This address outlines what he feels are the essential principles of government. Background and EducationFather: Peter JeffersonLike

Вильям Шекспир
Вильям Шекспир

The aims of my project are to find the information about the famous British poet and to know more about his worksBibliography provides a list of websites from Wikipedia which were used as a source of examples and can be recommended

I am your friend from America
I am your friend from America

We learned things together...We worshipped together...We helped one another...and we care about you. A Long Time Ago... Indians Lived Where You Live Now. In Big Villages and Houses... Our Moms Gardened... Our

Степени сравнения прилагательных
Степени сравнения прилагательных

ПрилагательныеПрилагательные в английском языке не изменяются по числам и падежам, но, как и в русском языке имеют положительную сравнительную превосходную степени сравнения Образование степеней сравненияСравнительная степень односложных и двусложных

День Защитника Отечества
День Защитника Отечества

1. Геофизическое оружиеПод геофизическим оружием понимается оружие, поражающее действие которого основано на использовании в военных целях природных явлений и процессов, вызываемых искусственным путем. В зависимости от среды, в которой происходят эти процессы, оно подразделяется на атмосферное, литосферное, гидросферное, биосферное и озонное.

Parachuting (skydiving)
Parachuting (skydiving)

VocabularyDefinitionHistoryRulesMy personal attitudePLAN: Vocabulary:Descent – спуск, снижение;Velocity – скорость, быстрота;Aircraft – авиация;Capsule (cell) – капсула, отсек;Supple – запас;Altitude – высота над уровнем моря;Range – предел;Feet – фут;Cord – веревка, шнур;Chute – парашют, стремнина;Ram-air parachute – гидравлически воздушный парашют; Glider –

Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot
Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot

Are you sitting comfortably?And so our story begins... Remember, Remember the fifth of NovemberGunpowder, treason and plot.I see no reason, why gunpowder treasonShould ever be forgot.

the History of Money
the History of Money

What was at first? The basis of all early commerce was barterCattle are probably the oldest of all forms of money, as domestication of animals tended to precede the cultivation of crops.The earliest evidence of banking is found in Mesopotamia between

Хобби на английском
Хобби на английском

People have different ideas of how to spend their free time. watching TV or drinking beerFor some of them the only way to relax is But other people use there spare time getting maximum benefit from it

Doctor Seuss techniques used in the books the cat in the hat and how the grinch stole chrismas
Doctor Seuss techniques used in the books the cat in the hat and how the grinch stole chrismas

The theme of our work is very important The aim of our work is to study Dг. Seuss’s techniques used in the books “THE CAT IN THE HAT” and «How the Grinch stole Christmas» The objectives of our work are: to learn

Презентации из раздела Английский язык. Для просмотра учебных материалов воспользуйтесь проигрывателем. Любую презентацию на заданную тему можно скачать внизу страницы, поделившись ссылкой в социальных сетях. Не забудьте добавить наш сайт презентаций в закладки!