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Презентации по Английскому языку


TaigaTaiga - a huge, wild and hard traveled by the forest, which grows mainly coniferous trees. The word taiga means "dense forest".Taiga - the oldest and the most snow of the nature of Russia. Its width in the European

word formation
word formation

1. Stylistic devices based on the meaning of language unitsMetaphorMetonymyZeugma PunOxymoron Hyperbole Litotes Epithet PeriphrasisPersonification, Allusion, Irony Rhetorical questions. Metaphor (O.I.Glazunova)Nominal metaphoric phrase/ constructionPredicative metaphoric phrase/ constructionGenitive metaphoric phrase/ construction “And down they bring pearls rowe…”“That ever Rose on Scotia’s plain…”“…and

Звіт про роботу мовного табору Завідської ЗОШ
Звіт про роботу мовного табору Завідської ЗОШ

30 .05.2016 The Day of AcquaintancesЗнайомство з планом роботи таборуМовленнєва зарядка 31.05.2016The Day of HealthВідпочиваючи змагаємось : команди “Stars” і “ Flowers”

Shop around
Shop around

Match the word with the translation. Make the sentence with the extra wordденьгивалютаналичныемонетыкредитная картабанкнотыскидкамагазин moneycurrencies cashcoinscredit cardnotesdiscountshoppresentYour sentence: _____________________________________

Английский в рифмах. Профессии
Английский в рифмах. Профессии

Artist Artist Flyer Baker Baker Hairdresser Calling Calling Nurse Colleague Colleague Sailor Cook


Gorina E.N. Liceum No2Symbols of America Gorina E.N. Liceum No2The Discovery of America1. Who discovered America?2. When did Columbus discover America?3. Who sent Christopher Columbus. to India?

Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day

10 Interesting Facts About Thanksgiving Day In 1863 Lincoln was the first president of the USA who proclaimed an official holiday when people give thanks.1. Abraham Lincoln announced it to be an official holiday


Crufts Dog Show In February.Valuable dogs from all over the world compete in Birmingham. The best dog gets the title Crufts Supreme Champion. Saint Valentine’s Day February 14Was started in the time of Roman Empire.Is dedicated to St. Valentine.People send a

Australian Animals
Australian Animals

oalas are small animals.They have small yellow eyes,a round black nose and big ears.Koalas eat only plants.Koalas are made for climbing.They can climb well.KoalaKoalas live in Australia. KANGAROOA hundred speciesof the kangaroo family live in the open places

Let’s visit Scotland
Let’s visit Scotland

Scotland Languages : English, Gaelic, Scots Capital : Edinburgh Largest city : Glasgow Area : 78,782 km² Population (2001) : 5 062 000 Density : 64/km² Currency :Pound sterling (£) National anthem : Flower of Scotland National

Flooding in Central Europe
Flooding in Central Europe

Flooding in Central Europe began after several days of heavy rains in late May - early June 2013. Flooding and destruction of affected mainly the east of Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria


The more we read, the more we learn, The more we learn, the more we understand what we learn, The more we understand what we learn, the more we like to read, The more we like to read, the more we

English with Disney!
English with Disney!

Найди дни недели:Стич записал дни недели на инопланетном языке. Можешь ли ты расшифровать их? У Лило распланирована вся неделя. Посмотри и назови день недели для каждой картинки:


London - the capital Population – the English

Colours (Цвета)
Colours (Цвета)

White [waιt] - белыйBlack [blæk] - черный Red [red] - красный


It includesCombination of theVarious institutionsAgenciesConsumersEntitiesthat comprise the economic structure of a given society or community.

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