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Презентации по Английскому языку

RESUME or Curriculum Vitae (CV)
RESUME or Curriculum Vitae (CV)

RESUME or Curriculum Vitae (CV) The standard form of resume in Europe consist of 6 parts: Personal information (details) : The employer wants to know who are you and how to contact you. Put only essential information. Education: write from you

Особенности работы со словарем
Особенности работы со словарем

Полисеми́я - многозначность, наличие у слова (единицы языка) двух или более взаимосвязанных и исторически обусловленных значений.Лексическая полисемия — это способность одного слова служить для обозначения разных предметов и явлений действительности (ассоциативно связанных между собой и образующих сложное семантическое единство). Омонимы -

Environmental problem
Environmental problem

     Environmental problem - a change in the environment as a result of human impacts that leads to disruption of the structure and functioning of natural systems and leads to negative social, economic and other consequencesWhat is the environmental problem? Atmospheric


Navigation - next (back) slide - back to the menu - interesting fact - try to guess

George Gordon Byron
George Gordon Byron

PlanBiographyRomanticismCreativity“Manfred”Memory About the PoetLinks Biography George Gordon Byron was born January 22, 1788. He was the son of Captain John Byron and his second wife, the former Catherine Gordon. He was sent to a private school in


Great Britain Final GameSymbols People Dates Traditions Sights & Monuments Sports Towns & Cities

Singapore Zoo
Singapore Zoo

#The Singapore zoo,as known as Singapore zoological park, has opened at 1973.It is famous for the concept of openness, but the most dangerous animals is behind the glass. Red River HogsIn the Singapore zoo is many unfogortable animals.As a Red

Literature. What is it ?
Literature. What is it ?

ELEMENTS OF LITERATUREWritten works having excellence in:FormExpressionIdeasWidespread and Lasting Interest The Major Genres

Question Tags
Question Tags

You're coming to the party,___?a. aren't youb. isn't youc. shouldn't you It wasn't very difficult,___?a. wasn't itb. isn't itc. was it

What do you know about great Britain
What do you know about great Britain

East or West, home is bestВ гостях хорошо, а дома - лучше Answer the questions:What is the full name of Great Britain?How many states of Great Britain do you know?What interesting places of London do you know?

Penshurst Place and Gardens
Penshurst Place and Gardens

Groombridge Place and The Enchanted Forest The Royal Wells Hotel

Sports and games
Sports and games

Write the words:[’skeıtıŋ][’swımıŋ][’saıklıŋ] Put the missing letters into the wordsL__tt__Jud__T__b__gganingIce h__ckeyS__ccerooooooo

Перевод с русского на английский
Перевод с русского на английский

Полисеми́я - многозначность, наличие у слова (единицы языка) двух или более взаимосвязанных и исторически обусловленных значений.Лексическая полисемия — это способность одного слова служить для обозначения разных предметов и явлений действительности (ассоциативно связанных между собой и образующих сложное семантическое единство). Омонимы -

I or Me?
I or Me?

When you write about yourself, you use the pronouns I or me. I like to go to church.


Translators convert written material from one or more 'source languages' into the 'target language', ensuring that the translated version conveys the meaning of the original as clearly as possible. The target language is normally the translator’s mother tongue. Transcreating may also

Global warming
Global warming

How Do Humans Contribute to the Greenhouse Effect?

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