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Презентации по Английскому языку

Descriptive adjectives
Descriptive adjectives

Little mouse [ l ], [ t ], [ au ], [ h ] Little mouse, little mouse, Where is your house? Little cat, little cat, I am a

I and world around me
I and world around me

Nature gave us wonderful world, which does not leave a single person indifferent. It amazes us its beauty and mystery. The most amazing thing in the world around us is life.

Знаки зодиака
Знаки зодиака

Air signAquariusJJJan.21 to Feb.19Air signAquarius people like modern likevery much. They like crowds andnew ideas and they often changetheir ideas. They are romantic, butthey are very independent.StudentsAquarius students believe theyсan finish the course despitemissing more than half the lessons. They always

What do you know about Great Britain?
What do you know about Great Britain?

What are these countries?IrelandScotlandEnglandWalesUK12345 What are these buildings?One of Scottish castles famous for their ghosts Buckingham PalaceBig BenTower bridge1324

Great Britain (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Great Britain (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

Great Britain on the Map of the World EnglandScotlandWalesNorthern IrelandHistorical Provinces of Great Britain

The Russian Federation The politics of Russia
The Russian Federation The politics of Russia

Russia is a federal presidential republic. According to the Constitution of Russia, the President of Russia is head of state

Personal letter
Personal letter

LAYOUTADRESSDATEGREETINGParagraph 1 BODY IntroductionParagraph 2 The information you are writingParagraph 3 QuestionsParagraph 4 ConclusionClosing/EndingSignature ADDRESS 9 Chkalov StreetZherdevkaRussia


Актуальность выбранной темы обуславливается: Во-первых, возрастанием роли профессиональной подготовки военнослужащих в связи с созданием нового облика Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации и изменениями в системе военного образования, необходимостью прогрессивного развития методик огневой подготовки личного состава, которые будут соответствовать новым требованиям современных боевых

Tyumen is the first Russian settlement in Siberia.
Tyumen is the first Russian settlement in Siberia.

the Tyumen coat of arms the flag of Tyumen Tyumen was the first Russian town in Siberia, founded in 1586 on the site of the Siberian Tatar town of Chimgi-Tura by the order the Russian tsar Feodor Ioanovich . 

They defended our homes
They defended our homes

There are events in history which are never to be forgotten: they are kept in human memory. Every year on the 9th of May the veterans of the Great Patriotic war put on their orders and medals and go out on

Travelling around London
Travelling around London

The CityThe East EndThe West EndWestminsterHistory Do you know the history of London?. . Questions:At the beginning of the 11th century England was already a big country and London was a very important city. In 1066 William the Conqueror and his

Symbols of the USA
Symbols of the USA

ContentGeneral description of the USAGallery The presentation of my symbolThe history of bold eagleThe usage of emblemGallery General description of the USA The USA is the richest and one of the

Rockers, rock music
Rockers, rock music

Rockers appeared in the mid 60s and reached their peak in the late 60s - early 70s , both in England and on the continent . Rockers - come mostly from families of unskilled workers , and often without education, from


By developing themselves, subcultures work out their unique style and own views. The style of subculture is not only clothes, but it’s a system of values that the members of subculture propagandize.Epigraph

титульный лист
титульный лист

Они хранили в жизни мирнойПривычки милой старины:У них на масленицы жирнойВодились русские блины…А.С.Пушкин Широкая МасленицаМасленица – древний славянский праздник, доставшийся нам в наследство от древней языческой культуры.

Личное письмо на английском языке
Личное письмо на английском языке

ЗАДАНИЕ С1:личное письмоПри написании письма следует придерживаться следующих правил: ЗАДАНИЕ С1:личное письмоУказать адрес в правом верхнем углу в следующем порядке: -№ дома название улицы


Bears, like other carnivores, trace their pedigree back to the miacids, small, snouted, weasel like animals that lived 50 million years ago. Some 38 million years ago bears began to go their own evolutionary way. The first clearly

The universities of Great Britain
The universities of Great Britain

The universities can be divided into three groups:The oldest universities;The redbrick universities;The new universities; The oldest universities:The University of Oxford The University of Cambridge

Обработка текстовой информации на уроках английского языка
Обработка текстовой информации на уроках английского языка

Диагностика умений обработки (сжатие) текстовой информацииУмение выделять ключевые слова Умение ставить вопросы к абзацам

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