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Презентации по Английскому языку

What are the British like?
What are the British like?

The history of creation The Romans were the first to invade us and came to Britain nearly 2000 years ago. They changed our country. The Roman Empire made its mark on Britain, and even today, the ruins of Roman buildings, forts,

Manners, manners
Manners, manners

Warming upWhat should you do before you go to the table?I should wash my hands.What should you do before you start eating?I should put a napkin on my lap.Prezentacii.com Is anything wrong in this picture?Yes. He is not using a knife


История древнего КазахстанаТерритория Казахстана была заселена в глубокой древности, о чём говорят найденные следы стоянок первобытного человека при археологических раскопках в долине реки Бухтармы и окрестностях Семипалатинска на востоке Казахстана, в Баянаульском районе Павлодарской области, в горах

Why is english so popular?
Why is english so popular?

Look at these events. Match the pictures and the phrases.a) to find a job abroadb) to go on holiday abroadc) to earn a lot of moneyd) to become a politiciane) to travel everywhere in the worldf) to watch films in

You are what you eat
You are what you eat

healthy and junk food. Now I will submit the list of junk food. First place win - chips

Learn to protect the Environment
Learn to protect the Environment

G L O B A L P R O B L E M SAIR POLLUTIONWATER POLLUTIONTRASH AND LITTERRECYCLING V O C A B U L A R YEnvironment – oкружающая средаTo protect – охранятьRecycling – вторичная переработкаTo pollute – загрязнятьPollution

Моя будущая проффесия
Моя будущая проффесия

Welcome The United Kingdom of Great Britainand Northen Ireland

3 времени глаголов в англиском
3 времени глаголов в англиском

PRESENT SIMPLEevery day, usually, sometimes, oftenevery + night, morning, eveningV1 (-s)(do – does) + V1test My working day (to begin) at 7 o’clock. I (to get up), (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It (to take)

Sir Arthur Charles Clarke
Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

Who is Arthur C. Clarke Sir Arthur Charles Clarke was a British science fiction writer and inventor, and futurist. He is famous for his short stories and novels. Life and worksClarke was born in Minehead, Somerset, England.While Clarke had a

Easter in Great Britain
Easter in Great Britain

Easter comes in spring (in March or April). It is a religious celebration and lasts for a week. This holiday dedicates to Jesus Christ resurrection (воскрешению Иисуса Христа)

Present Simple. Special Questions
Present Simple. Special Questions

WHEN DOES THE SCHOOL YEAR START?The school year starts on the first of September. (When?)#SHOWNEXTMARK FOR REVIEWReview HOW DO MANY STUDENTS GET TO SCHOOL? Many students get to school by bus. (How?)#SHOWNEXTMARK FOR REVIEWReview


Something which is familiar to Everybody 1. Capital –Dublin;2. Square – 70200 sq. km.;3. Population – 4 487 000;4. Official Languages – English and Irish. ?


StyleFashion is a general term for a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, or furniture. "Fashion" refers to a distinctive; however, often-habitual trend in a look and dress up of a person, as well as to prevailing styles

A visit to Lulu`s school!
A visit to Lulu`s school!

17,Green StreetLondonGreat BritainDear Russian children,We are from Britain school. We go to school. We have different subjects. Please come and see us and our school!Yours, Larry and Lulu.


10203040501020304050102030405010203040501020304050English literaturej.K. rOWLINGCHARACTERSWRITERSBOOKSCLEVER HEADS 14ENGLISH LITERATURE10How many lines does a sonnet have?

Andrew Marvell
Andrew Marvell

“Music, the mosaic of the air.” Andrew Marvell(31 March 1621 – 16 August 1678) was an English metaphysical poet, Parliamentarian, and the son of a Church of England clergyman. As a metaphysical poet, he is

Technology of the future
Technology of the future

Future Technologies The ships of the futureIt is difficult to talk about what kinds of wars the future will bring, but one thing is certain: Robots will be involved in most battles. In fact, already involved. Last year, the unmanned aircraft


Словари двуязычныеДвуязычные словари, переводные словари,- тип словарей, в которых даётся перевод значения слова или фразеологизма с одного языка на другой. Подобные словари возникают в связи с развитием экономических, политических и культурных связей между различными народами. На Руси первые собственно русско-иностранные и

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