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Презентации по Английскому языку

Famous people of Ireland
Famous people of Ireland

Jonathan Swift was an Irish author and satirist. Best known for writing Gulliver's Travels, he was dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. Thomas Andrews was the principal architect for the infamous RMS Titanic. He died in

Choosing a Profession
Choosing a Profession

People are always asked what they want to be when they leave school. I am no exception. It is the period of my life, when I have to choose the future profession. 

Мировая джазовая музыка
Мировая джазовая музыка

Jazz is one of North America’s oldest and most celebrated musical genres. What is Jazz?It was created by black Americans, who were brought there from Africa as slaves.Different native songs were sung and different music of their homeland was played by


Introduction Chocolate is sweet… Chocolate is delicious… People all over the world are fond of it. But what do we really know about chocolate? History of chocolate. Long before the discovery of America by Europeans Aztecs

Альберт Эйнштейн на английском
Альберт Эйнштейн на английском

Why I chose this person?• I think that Einstein was a talented man• I want to know more about the achievements of this man• And of course I want to talk about him to my classmates I used sites:

English Food (Еда в Британии)
English Food (Еда в Британии)

We have three main meals a day: Breakfast - between 7:00 and 9:00, Lunch - between 12:00 and 1:30 p.m. Dinner (sometimes called Supper) - The main meal. Eaten anytime between 6:30 and 8:00 p.m. (Evening meal) Typical English Breakfast?


Main Skills And KnowledgeTo Know The Basics Of Major Topics, Theorists, Principles And Vocabulary Of Psychology To Discuss Historical And Philosophical Foundations Of Psychology To Understand the Process by Which Scientific Research in Psychology is Conducted To Evaluate Human Behavior and


A aApples, apples everywhere.Apples here, apples there, B bBounce! Bounce! It’s my ball!It doesn’t want to stop at all.

Advantages and disadvantages of city life
Advantages and disadvantages of city life

Content PrefaceMany people live in towns, cities or in the country. We are going to tell you about advantages and disadvantages of living in city. A lot of people decide to move to the countryside nowadays. However, there are still many


If you meet woman withAn empty bucket, You willhave bad luck. You will have visitors , if you see a spider in your house.

Спорт в нашей жизни
Спорт в нашей жизни

Sport in our life. Sport helps people to be happy, healthy, more organized and strong.Sportsmen and women take part in sport because of enjoymentPeople choose a kind of sport according to their taste and physical abilitiesThey sign contracts and must take

Welcome to Russia
Welcome to Russia

1.Complete the sentences:1.The name of our country is………2.Russia lies in ……….3.Russia stretches across …… times zones.4.Most part of Russia has ………………climate with cold winters and hot summers.5.The deepest lake in the world is ……6.The symbols of Russia are……..Russia 2.Who are these

Order of adjectives
Order of adjectives

Order of adjectivesOpinionSizeAgeShapeColourPattternOriginMaterialgumboots [’gambu:ts] orwellingtons (высокие резиновые сапоги ) Order of adjectivesOpinionSizeAgeShapeColourPattternOriginMaterial

The Hawaiian Islands
The Hawaiian Islands

The Hawaiian Islands are an archipelago [ˌɑːkɪ'peləgəu]  of eight major islands, several atolls ['ætɔl], numerous smaller islets ['aɪlət], and undersea seamounts in the North Pacific Ocean. Hawaiian Islands were discovered by Captain James Cook in 1778. The largest island of the archipelago [ˌɑːkɪ'peləgəu] is Hawaii. [hə'waɪiː ], [hɑː'waɪiː]

Английская викторина
Английская викторина

 1. Скажешь по-английски -     Тебя он повезёт,    А по-русски если -     Певец им запоёт.  2. Скажешь по-английски -     Будильник он живой,    А по-русски если -     То повар он морской.


The music of primitive people.There was not present-day music without music of the stone age. The people of the stone age did their own instruments from different things. Probably, the oldest "music instrument" is human body. The first sounds appeared because

TOP-10 The most popular English phrasal verbs
TOP-10 The most popular English phrasal verbs

В английском языке существует множество так называемых фразовых глаголов (phrasal verbs), которые не подчиняются никаким правилам, и которые можно только выучить наизусть. Фразовый глагол существует как единая неразделимая семантическая единица языка и несет смысловое значение только в таком виде:глагол + предлог

Teens’ Problems and Moral Values
Teens’ Problems and Moral Values

psycho-physiological problems It is very difficult to overcome them for some of teens. The only way to do it is to follow the doctors’ advice and wait and wait and wait… Social ProblemsFamily problems - the eternal problem of fathers and children's


The Antarctic continent is located in the South Pole of our Planet.Its geography, climate and biological conditions provide a unique enviroment.Антарктида расположена на Южном Полюсе нашей планеты.Ее география, климат и биологические условия обеспечивают уникальную окружающую среду.

Music. From antiquity to modern. (Музыка. От старины до современного)
Music. From antiquity to modern. (Музыка. От старины до современного)

Little about history of musicMan has invented music on the antiquity. First sing later played on the pipes and drums. Later music was more diverse, arises kind of music like operas, clasical music, ballet.On 20th century come into being jazz.In the

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