/ NeAT
Arctic – Boreal Hub
Arctic Coastal Communities for Sustainability
Economic Science
Arctic Engineering
Arctic Extractive Industries
Arctic Fisheries and Aquaculture
Arctic Geology
Arctic Law
Arctic Lingua
Arctic Migration
Arctic Safety and Security
Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design (ASAD)
Arctic Telecommunications and Networking
Arctic WASH
Commercialization of Science and Technology for the North
Communicating Arctic Research
Distance Education and e-Learning
Energy in New Time
Environmental Impact Assessment of Industry Contaminated Areas
Environmental Training and Education for Sustainable Development of the Arctic (NETESDA)
Geopolitics and Security
Global Ecological and Economic Connections in Arctic and Sub-Arctic Crab Fisheries
Health and Well-being in the Arctic
Language Documentation and Language Technologies for Circumpolar Region
Local and Regional Development in the North
Managing Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in the North
Model Arctic Council
Natural Hazards
Northern Food Security
Northern Governance
Northern Nursing Education
Northern Tourism
Science Diplomacy
Social Work
Sustainable Arctic Resources and Social Responsibility
Sustainable Production and Foraging of Natural Products in the North
Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in Education
UArctic World Ensemble
Verdde Program
Working in the Arctic
World Images of Indigenous Peoples of the North