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Introduction 2/8 Electrohydraulic Effect is the occurrence of high pressure
in liquid Yutkin L.A.
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Process 3/8 This stage is characterized by a short-time period
and rapid change of channel parameters as in case
of discharge channel forming in solid.
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4/8 During rapid channel expansion a shock wave occurs
in adjoining liquid. It propagates from discharge channel as
compression zone with very a steep front. The shock wave front separates later from the channel wall, as the speed of wave propagation in liquid is a lot than the speed of discharge channel expansion.
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Notes 5/8 Shock wave Ударная волна Discharge gap Разрядный промежуток Wave front Волновой фронт Energy
dissipation. Диссипация энергии A dissipative process is a process in which
energy (internal, bulk flow kinetic, or system potential) is transformed from some initial form to some final form
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Conclusion 6/8 In a series of technologies the primary plasma
channel forms not due to electrical breakdown but due
to conductor electrical explosion. The right shape of channel is achieved and additional capabilities to adjust with energy-release regime in operating chamber are secured.
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References 7/8 V.Ya.Ushakov «Electrical power engineering and pulsed power»: Textbook.