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Презентация на тему Soil Resources

SoilProduced by interaction of atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphereGases and precipitation weather rocks and mineralsPrecipitation infiltrates soil and recharges groundwaterFertile soil vital to human life10-
10-Environmental Geology - Chapter 10 Soil Resourceshttp://www.cnhindustrialvillage.com/EN/PublishingImages/showroom/showroom-case-ih.jpg SoilProduced by interaction of atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphereGases and precipitation weather rocks 10-Formation of SoilsSoil – layer of weathered mineral and/or organic material capable 10-Formation of SoilsWeathering – rocks begin to disintegrate and decomposePhysical – frost/freeze, 10-Soil HorizonsSoil horizons – layers in soil that developed due to continued Figure 10.4, Page 298R horizon – unweather rock w/in a few meters Soil Horizons Cont.E horizon – zone of leaching; minerals have been flushed Soil Color Soil TextureSoil scientists classify soils into 12 classes based on textureLoam soil 10-Soil Texture Soil StructureHow soil particles are arrangedWhen dug up, undisturbed soil breaks into 10-Soil Forming FactorsParent material – original weathered product	OrganismsClimateTopographyTime Soil Forming FactorsParent material – the C horizon, original weathering product or Soil Forming FactorsOrganisms – borrowing animals, insects, microbesOrganisms break down minerals, create Soil Forming FactorsClimate – rainfall and temperate determine animal and plant life Soil Forming FactorsTopography – shape of landscapeSlope and vertical reliefPlains vs mountainsAspect Soil Forming Factors10- Soil Forming FactorsTime – weathering takes a long timeHorizons develop more quickly Soil Components10-Soils consist of approx. 45% minerals, 5% organic, 50% void space 10-Classification of Soils 10-Engineering Classification 10-Soil PropertiesPorosity – fraction of void (pore) space in rock or sediment Soil PropertiesPermeability – how easily water can flow through pore spaces and Soil Properties10-Compressibility – ability to compact under force or load. Quartz sand 10-Soil as a ResourceAgricultural food production Soil fertilityEssential nutrients – N, P, 10-Soil LossSoil erosion – movement of soil particles away from their place 10-Soil LossMitigationContour plowingCrop strippingNo till farmingGrassed waterwaysTerracingStream buffersSilt fencesRetention basinsSlope vegetation cover 10-Salinization of Soils 10-Hardpans
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Слайд 2 Soil
Produced by interaction of atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere

SoilProduced by interaction of atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphereGases and precipitation weather

and precipitation weather rocks and minerals
Precipitation infiltrates soil and

recharges groundwater
Fertile soil vital to human life


Слайд 3 10-
Formation of Soils
Soil – layer of weathered mineral

10-Formation of SoilsSoil – layer of weathered mineral and/or organic material

and/or organic material capable of supporting plant life
Regolith –

loose weathered material; soil, small rocks, dust
Sediment – soil or dust that has been transported by wind, water or ice
Bedrock – soild rock

Слайд 4 10-
Formation of Soils
Weathering – rocks begin to disintegrate

10-Formation of SoilsWeathering – rocks begin to disintegrate and decomposePhysical –

and decompose
Physical – frost/freeze, roots, wind breaking rocks apart,

fires and solar heating
Chemical – chemical reaction, rain water dissolving rock
Quartz (mineral in granite) resistant to chemical weathering
Calcite (mineral in limestone and marble) weathers easily
Feldspars (Fe and Mg) and silicates weather into clay minerals

Слайд 5 10-
Soil Horizons

Soil horizons – layers in soil that

10-Soil HorizonsSoil horizons – layers in soil that developed due to

developed due to continued weathering and infiltration of water


- organic matter plus weathered rock minerals

Soil profile – characteristics such as color, texture and structure

Слайд 6 Figure 10.4, Page 298

R horizon – unweather rock

Figure 10.4, Page 298R horizon – unweather rock w/in a few

w/in a few meters from surface
Feldspar minerals weather to

clay and granite crumbles
A horizon – uppermost, organic rich, “topsoil”
C horizon – remaining weather material
B horizon – continued weather and infiltration lowers original bedrock forming zone of accumulation of clay minerals


Слайд 7 Soil Horizons Cont.
E horizon – zone of leaching;

Soil Horizons Cont.E horizon – zone of leaching; minerals have been

minerals have been flushed from soil; found in older

well drained soils or in conifer forests
O horizon – only in wet soil environments with lush vegetation; uppermost layer hypoxic and rich in organic matter


Слайд 8 Soil Color

Soil Color

Слайд 9 Soil Texture
Soil scientists classify soils into 12 classes

Soil TextureSoil scientists classify soils into 12 classes based on textureLoam

based on texture
Loam soil – 40% sand, 40% silt,

20% clay; best for agriculture
Sandy loam – sand rich soil
Texture determines permeability, drought resistance, fertility, ease of tillage


Слайд 10 10-
Soil Texture

10-Soil Texture

Слайд 11 Soil Structure
How soil particles are arranged
When dug up,

Soil StructureHow soil particles are arrangedWhen dug up, undisturbed soil breaks

undisturbed soil breaks into peds or aggregates
Granular clumps, flat

and plate like, blocky or elongated
Affects infiltration and roots


Слайд 12 10-
Soil Forming Factors
Parent material – original weathered product

10-Soil Forming FactorsParent material – original weathered product	OrganismsClimateTopographyTime

Слайд 13 Soil Forming Factors
Parent material – the C horizon,

Soil Forming FactorsParent material – the C horizon, original weathering product

original weathering product or organic material from which soil

Often is the bedrock
Or may be sediment that soil forms upon
Alluvium – soils that form upon river sediment
Loess – soil formed upon sediment deposited by wind or glaciers
Residual soils – from parent material formed by weathering of underlying bedrock


Слайд 14 Soil Forming Factors
Organisms – borrowing animals, insects, microbes

Soil Forming FactorsOrganisms – borrowing animals, insects, microbesOrganisms break down minerals,

break down minerals, create space for water and oxygen

to flow and circulate
Mounds overturn soil
Soil as a “living” system


Слайд 15 Soil Forming Factors
Climate – rainfall and temperate determine

Soil Forming FactorsClimate – rainfall and temperate determine animal and plant

animal and plant life and weathering of rocks
Rich topsoil

requires organic matter
Areas with extreme temps and low precipitation usually have poor soils
Erosion removes A horizon


Слайд 16 Soil Forming Factors
Topography – shape of landscape
Slope and

Soil Forming FactorsTopography – shape of landscapeSlope and vertical reliefPlains vs

vertical relief
Plains vs mountains
Aspect – orientation of slope to

Depth of water table; low lying areas tend to be saturated


Слайд 17 Soil Forming Factors

Soil Forming Factors10-

Слайд 18 Soil Forming Factors
Time – weathering takes a long

Soil Forming FactorsTime – weathering takes a long timeHorizons develop more

Horizons develop more quickly in warm, humid climates
Under good

conditions – A and C form in few hundred years or less
Several hundred years for A, B, C
Deeply weathered soils take 5,000 – 10,000 yrs
Tropical soil enriched in Al – 100,000 yrs
Paleosol – geologic event buries soil with new sediment; new sequence of horizons forms


Слайд 19 Soil Components
Soils consist of approx. 45% minerals, 5%

Soil Components10-Soils consist of approx. 45% minerals, 5% organic, 50% void

organic, 50% void space that water and air can

Dipolar water molecules attracted to negatively charge clay molecules
Figure 10.14 page 306

Слайд 20 10-
Classification of Soils

10-Classification of Soils

Слайд 21 10-
Engineering Classification

10-Engineering Classification

Слайд 22 10-
Soil Properties
Porosity – fraction of void (pore) space

10-Soil PropertiesPorosity – fraction of void (pore) space in rock or

in rock or sediment where water can flow; determines

how much water available to plants
Saturated = void spaces full of water
Soil moisture & drought resistance – controlled by mineral composition and dipolar water molecules
Cohesion vs Adhesion
Soils with high concentration of sand and clay susceptible to drought
Soils with high percentage of silt and moderate amounts of clay (loam) best for agriculture

Слайд 23 Soil Properties
Permeability – how easily water can flow

Soil PropertiesPermeability – how easily water can flow through pore spaces

through pore spaces and ability to drain
Clay soils have

low permeability
Sandy soils have higher permeability

Plasticity – ability of soil to deform without breaking; increases with clay content. Increases water content makes fine grained material flow similar to a liquid.

Strength & sensitivity – strength is resistance to being deformed or how well particles stick together. Sensitivity – how easily disturbed material loses strength.


Слайд 24 Soil Properties
Compressibility – ability to compact under force

Soil Properties10-Compressibility – ability to compact under force or load. Quartz

or load. Quartz sand vs clay. More compaction =

less permeability.
Shrink-swell – Soil expands or swells when wet and shrinks with dry. “Expanding clays.” Can put lots of pressure upon structures, buildings, utility lines, underground pipes.
Used for commercial products; seals in well casings
Ion exchange capacity – process by which dissolved ions attach to soil particles

Слайд 25 10-
Soil as a Resource
Agricultural food production
Soil fertility

10-Soil as a ResourceAgricultural food production Soil fertilityEssential nutrients – N,

nutrients – N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S
Minerals and

Aluminum – result from weathering of igneous rock
Kaolinite clay – soft, fine grained, commercial products
Peat – organic rich, can be dried and used as fuel, gardening mulch
Phosphorous for use as fertilizer

Слайд 26 10-
Soil Loss
Soil erosion – movement of soil particles

10-Soil LossSoil erosion – movement of soil particles away from their

away from their place of origin
Natural – rain and

Man-made – human activities accelerate erosion process
Consequences – loss of nutrients, top soil, sediment pollution downstream or downslope
See Figure 10.27 page 317

Слайд 27 10-
Soil Loss
Contour plowing
Crop stripping
No till farming
Grassed waterways

Stream buffers

10-Soil LossMitigationContour plowingCrop strippingNo till farmingGrassed waterwaysTerracingStream buffersSilt fencesRetention basinsSlope vegetation cover

Retention basins
Slope vegetation cover

Слайд 28 10-
Salinization of Soils

10-Salinization of Soils

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  • Количество просмотров: 165
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