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Презентация на тему Uman and Park “Sofiyivka”

Information about the city.Touristic attraction EnvironmentInfrastructure Our ideasAgenda
Uman and  Park “Sofiyivka” Information about the city.Touristic attraction EnvironmentInfrastructure Our ideasAgenda UmanCity is located in Cherkasy region of Ukraine, the administrative center of The city has 21 industrial enterprises, about 450 small enterprises and cooperatives, Uman Museum of local lore; Uman art Museum;Uman Museum of culture;Museum of Museum of literature and artsThe Museum was founded in 1970. The collection Museum of local lore The history of the Foundation of the Museum Park “Sofiyivka” It was founded in 1796 by Count Stanisław Szczęsny Potocki, In the city were provided several environmental protection programs. One of them Environmental problem during event Every year city faces huge amount of jewish Transport accessibility The town has a bus station, Railway station Uman-Odessa railway, First type is - private apartments (renting apartments for several days) for Accommodation PhotoPrivate apartment3 to 5* hotels Renovation of the all touristic attractions;Improve the quality of the roads and Thanks for your attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Information about the city.
Touristic attraction

Information about the city.Touristic attraction EnvironmentInfrastructure Our ideasAgenda



Слайд 3 Uman
City is located in Cherkasy region of Ukraine,

UmanCity is located in Cherkasy region of Ukraine, the administrative center

the administrative center of Uman district but not part

of it.The city is located on the Dnieper upland at the confluence of the rivers Kamenka and Umanka. The city's population is 85 957 people according to the estimates on 2016.

Слайд 4 The city has 21 industrial enterprises, about 450

The city has 21 industrial enterprises, about 450 small enterprises and

small enterprises and cooperatives, more than 370 commercial establishments

of public consumption of various forms of ownership. Major industries: machine building and instrument engineering, food, construction materials, a pharmaceutical companies, and light industry


Слайд 5 Uman Museum of local lore;
Uman art Museum;

Uman Museum of local lore; Uman art Museum;Uman Museum of culture;Museum

Museum of culture;
Museum of literature and arts Uman;

Museum-apartment of Kotovsky;
Memorial Museum-apartment Hope Surovcova;
The main attraction of the city Park "Sofiyivka".


Слайд 6 Museum of literature and arts
The Museum was founded

Museum of literature and artsThe Museum was founded in 1970. The

in 1970. The collection of the museum consists of

works of local writers and artists, famous natives of Uman. The exposition presents information about them, photos and documents related to them.

Слайд 7 Museum of local lore
The history of the

Museum of local lore The history of the Foundation of the

Foundation of the Museum begins in 1906. Exhibits of

three departments tell about the origin of life on Earth, geological structure, minerals, water system, soils, climate, flora and fauna. The visitors are presented with samples of granites, kaolin, brown coal; there are stuffed animals and birds listed in the "Red book of Ukraine". The historical Department presents a model of the Uman fortress, samples of ancient weapons and armor.

Слайд 8 Park “Sofiyivka”
It was founded in 1796 by Count

Park “Sofiyivka” It was founded in 1796 by Count Stanisław Szczęsny

Stanisław Szczęsny Potocki, a Polish noble who rebuilt Uman

after the Koliyivschyna.The Area of the Park is 179.2 hectares. In the Park, you can swim on a ferry, gondola, sail a boat on the underground river Acheron, ride horses, take a picture in outfits that were fashionable in the XIX century.

Слайд 9 In the city were provided several environmental protection

In the city were provided several environmental protection programs. One of

programs. One of them was in the period of

2016-2017 in the framework of which water treatment plants were reconstructed. This innovation will improve the quality of wastewater treatment and prevent harmful substances from entering the Uman rivers. In addition, the modern equipment will allow to save the electric power and community facilities. Only place which is a forest - it's a park "Sofiyivka", which is under protection of UNESCO world heritage.

Environmental protection program

Слайд 10 Environmental problem during event
Every year city faces

Environmental problem during event Every year city faces huge amount of

huge amount of jewish people who believe in Hasidism

(one of the branches in Judaism) to meet the Jewish New year near the grave of the founder of this faith, that unfortunately leads to pollution.

Слайд 11 Transport accessibility
The town has a bus station,

Transport accessibility The town has a bus station, Railway station Uman-Odessa

Railway station Uman-Odessa railway, buses, taxis. However public transport

in Ukraine is outdated and needs to renovate.

Слайд 12 First type is - private apartments (renting apartments

First type is - private apartments (renting apartments for several days)

for several days) for people who expect to spend

small amount of money;
Second one is – from 3 to 5* hotels.


Слайд 13 Accommodation Photo
Private apartment
3 to 5* hotels

Accommodation PhotoPrivate apartment3 to 5* hotels

Слайд 14 Renovation of the all touristic attractions;
Improve the quality

Renovation of the all touristic attractions;Improve the quality of the roads

of the roads and the public transport condition;
Conduct a

global advertising campaign to attract investors who will improve the tourism industry in the city.

Our ideas

  • Имя файла: uman-and-park-“sofiyivka”.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 124
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