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Презентация на тему Интегрированный урок информатика и английский язык

Slide navigationInteresting factsBiographyEducation Pushkin’s contribution in literatureMade by
A. S. PushkinChernenko Ekaterina 5-v School 12 Bataysk Slide navigationInteresting factsBiographyEducation Pushkin’s contribution in literatureMade by Interesting factsAlexander Pushkin in his maternal lineage had a black relative brought BiographyThe greatest Russian poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was born in Moscow on Education   Pushkin got his education in lyceum. He began to Being adult Pushkin became politically active person, and wrote political poems. For Pushkin’s contribution in literatureThe most famous works of Alexander Pushkin are ‘Yevgeny Made by :Ekaterina Chernenko 5-v school 12 Bataysk form. I like to Made by : Ekaterina Chernenko 5-v school 12 Bataysk form. I like Pushkin productions
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Interesting facts
Pushkin’s contribution in literature
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Slide navigationInteresting factsBiographyEducation Pushkin’s contribution in literatureMade by

Слайд 3 Interesting facts
Alexander Pushkin in his maternal lineage had

Interesting factsAlexander Pushkin in his maternal lineage had a black relative

a black relative brought to Russia as a slave.

His name was Abram Gannibal and he was given as a gift for Peter the Great.
Pushkin knew Gogol. They met in 1831, Pushkin was recognized writer at the time, and he supported Gogol in the beginning of his career and later, by publishing some of Gogol’s stories in founded magazine ‘The Contemporary’.
Alexander Pushkin was a serial duelist. It is thought he fought 29 duels, his last engagement was fatal (Pushkin fought with French officer d’Anthès, accusing him in having designs on his wife Natalya).
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Слайд 4 Biography
The greatest Russian poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was

BiographyThe greatest Russian poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was born in Moscow

born in Moscow on 26 May 1799 and died

on 29 January 1837 in St. Petersburg. He was not only the poet, but also dramatist, novelist and writer of short stories. The poet’s father came from an aristocratic family. Pushkin grew up in a well-educated family.
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Слайд 5 Education
Pushkin got his education

Education  Pushkin got his education in lyceum. He began to

in lyceum. He began to study there since 1811.

Pushkin passed the final exams in 1817. At the ending of the exams director of the lyceum gave rings for every pupil as a symbol of friendship.
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Слайд 6 Being adult Pushkin became politically active person, and

Being adult Pushkin became politically active person, and wrote political poems.

wrote political poems. For that he had to spend

in exile six years of his life. Being exiled, he wrote about life of simple Russian people, about history and traditions of his country.
In 1831 he got married and had to spend a lot of his time in society at court. Pushkin wrote more and more prose works. In 1837 he was killed in a duel defending his wife’s honor.
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Слайд 7 Pushkin’s contribution in literature
The most famous works of

Pushkin’s contribution in literatureThe most famous works of Alexander Pushkin are

Alexander Pushkin are ‘Yevgeny Onegin’, ‘Boris Godunov’, ‘The Captain’s

Daughter’, ‘The Queen of Spades’, ‘Ruslan and Ludmila’ and many others.
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Ekaterina Chernenko 5-v school 12 Bataysk

Made by :Ekaterina Chernenko 5-v school 12 Bataysk form. I like

form. I like to ride bicycle and I go

to the swimming pool.
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Слайд 9 Made by : Ekaterina Chernenko 5-v school 12 Bataysk

Made by : Ekaterina Chernenko 5-v school 12 Bataysk form. I

form. I like to ride bicycle and I go

to the swimming pool. На главную

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