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Презентация на тему Contents and Design

Presentation SoftwarePowerPointKeynotePreziHaiku DeckSlides…
Slides: Contents and Design Presentation SoftwarePowerPointKeynotePreziHaiku DeckSlides… Design of SlidesThink about avoidinig the slide themes included in your software Is it a good choice of text and background colours? Is it Design of Slidessize of the text: 24–54 points for the title, 18–36 Design of SlidesDon’t use more than 3 different typefaces (including italics)text colours Design of SlidesTry not to use more than 6 lines of the Design of SlidesDon’t put a point after titles and subtitlesNo punctuation marks Final Slidecontact detailscore messagecall to actionpowerful image  Body Language Body Languagestance and movementeye contact gestures and facial expressionarticulation To Move or Not To Move?Movement is importantMovement mustn’t be monotonous, obtrusive Stance and Poses Open or Closed? Stance and PosesShoulders: set backKnees: slightly bentFeet: shoulder-width apart, one foot placed Gestures NB: “air” under the arms arise from shoulder or elbowsheld at Head Position and Eye ContactChin: slightly raisedEye focus: on one person at
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Presentation Software




Haiku Deck


Presentation SoftwarePowerPointKeynotePreziHaiku DeckSlides…

Слайд 3 Design of Slides

Think about avoidinig the slide themes

Design of SlidesThink about avoidinig the slide themes included in your

included in your software

Use one template for the

whole slide deck

Use contrast colours of text and background

Слайд 4
Is it a good choice of text and

Is it a good choice of text and background colours? Is

background colours?

Is it a good choice of text

and background colours?

Is it a good choice of text and background colours?

Is it a good choice of text and background colours?

Is it a good choice of text and background colours?

Is it a good choice of text and background colours?

Слайд 5 Design of Slides
size of the text: 24–54 points

Design of Slidessize of the text: 24–54 points for the title,

for the title, 18–36 points for the body of

the slide

font: sans serif typefaces (Arial, Tahoma, Verdana, Calibri, etc.):

Sans serif

Слайд 6 Design of Slides
Don’t use more than 3 different

Design of SlidesDon’t use more than 3 different typefaces (including italics)text

typefaces (including italics)

text colours

on 1 slide

Use a colour

(colours) to emphasise important points in you text

Слайд 7 Design of Slides

Try not to use more than

Design of SlidesTry not to use more than 6 lines of

6 lines of the text

Make sure that all

your points have the same structure

Don’t pack too much information onto one slide

Make two-unit space between different points

If you use tables, try to confine yourself to 4 columns and 4 lines

Слайд 8 Design of Slides

Don’t put a point after titles

Design of SlidesDon’t put a point after titles and subtitlesNo punctuation

and subtitles

No punctuation marks are generally used after one

point and before the next one

Слайд 9 Final Slide

contact details

core message

call to action

powerful image 

Final Slidecontact detailscore messagecall to actionpowerful image 

Слайд 10 Body Language

Body Language

Слайд 11 Body Language

stance and movement

eye contact

gestures and facial

Body Languagestance and movementeye contact gestures and facial expressionarticulation



Слайд 12 To Move or Not To Move?

Movement is important


To Move or Not To Move?Movement is importantMovement mustn’t be monotonous, obtrusive

mustn’t be monotonous, obtrusive

Слайд 13 Stance and Poses

Stance and Poses

Слайд 14 Open or Closed?

Open or Closed?

Слайд 15 Stance and Poses

Shoulders: set back

Knees: slightly bent

Feet: shoulder-width

Stance and PosesShoulders: set backKnees: slightly bentFeet: shoulder-width apart, one foot

one foot placed in front of the other,

toes pointed outwards

Weight: on the front foot

Слайд 16 Gestures

NB: “air” under the arms

arise from

Gestures NB: “air” under the arms arise from shoulder or elbowsheld

shoulder or elbows

held at chest level

have good amplitude

correspond to

the pronounced words

  • Имя файла: contents-and-design.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 142
  • Количество скачиваний: 0