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Презентация на тему Life Cycle Models. Prototype

Learning objectives:understand that there are several lifecycle models that can be used (eg cyclical, waterfall, spiral);discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these lifecycle models; discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using prototyping when developing solutions.
Life Cycle ModelsPrototype Learning objectives:understand that there are several lifecycle models that can be used Waterfall ModelSteps completed one at a timeEach step should have an outputCan Waterfall ModelSelf-contained steps are easy to manageDefined processes and output per stepGood Cyclical ModelSimilar to waterfall modelKnows that once a version of software has Cyclical ModelSelf-contained steps are easy to manageDefined processes and output per stepGood Spiral ModelDeveloping the software in iterative (repeating) stagesAfter each run through a Spiral ModelWell defined steps in the process make it easy to manageInterim Agile ModelSimilar to spiral in making prototypesCustomer then evaluates each prototype and Agile ModelEssentially the same as the Spiral Model with the following addition:Small ReviewCan you simplify each model to 10 words? Now 5?Agile Prototype – опытный образецIn the spiral life-cycle model at the stage of Prototype – опытный образецadvantages of prototyping: Enable the system to be reviewed Prototype – опытный образецdisadvantages of prototyping: Prototypes can be converted to final
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Learning objectives:
understand that there are several lifecycle models

Learning objectives:understand that there are several lifecycle models that can be

that can be used (eg cyclical, waterfall, spiral);
discuss the

advantages and disadvantages of these lifecycle models;
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using prototyping when developing solutions.

Слайд 3 Waterfall Model
Steps completed one at a time
Each step

Waterfall ModelSteps completed one at a timeEach step should have an

should have an output
Can go back but then the

steps will need redoing
User has little impact after analysis until the evaluate stage.

Слайд 4 Waterfall Model
Self-contained steps are easy to manage
Defined processes

Waterfall ModelSelf-contained steps are easy to manageDefined processes and output per

and output per step
Good model for managing large groups

of developers working in parallel

Requirement changes mean going back to an earlier stage that had already been completed
Changes can be costly in money and time
Lack of customer involvement after Analysis means issues are not highlighted until the Evaluation



Слайд 5 Cyclical Model
Similar to waterfall model
Knows that once a

Cyclical ModelSimilar to waterfall modelKnows that once a version of software

version of software has come out, then ideas for

a new version are already being made taking it back to the feasibility study.

Слайд 6 Cyclical Model
Self-contained steps are easy to manage
Defined processes

Cyclical ModelSelf-contained steps are easy to manageDefined processes and output per

and output per step
Good model for managing large groups

of developers working in parallel
Maintenance, logically starts the next cycle of the process so it maps better on to the real lifecycle of a complex piece of software.

Requirement changes mean going back to an earlier stage that had already been completed
Changes can be costly in money and time
Lack of customer involvement after Analysis means issues are not highlighted until the Evaluation



Слайд 7 Spiral Model
Developing the software in iterative (repeating) stages

Spiral ModelDeveloping the software in iterative (repeating) stagesAfter each run through

each run through a prototype is made
Keeps refining the

Used for larger projects

Слайд 8 Spiral Model
Well defined steps in the process make

Spiral ModelWell defined steps in the process make it easy to

it easy to manage
Interim prototypes highlight issues quickly so

that the end product is more likely to be what the customer wants
Iterative nature of the process means changes can be easily incorporated as feedback is received

It takes time to build prototypes and get feedback, so it takes longer to get the product to the customer
Longer timescale means it costs more to develop



Слайд 9 Agile Model
Similar to spiral in making prototypes
Customer then

Agile ModelSimilar to spiral in making prototypesCustomer then evaluates each prototype

evaluates each prototype and gives feedback
Best suited to small

groups of developers who work together rather than large projects where developers work on separate parts in parallel
Good if the requirements of the products are likely to change

Слайд 10 Agile Model
Essentially the same as the Spiral Model

Agile ModelEssentially the same as the Spiral Model with the following

with the following addition:
Small multitasking groups make the team

flexible to changing requirements so this is more effective in a rapidly changing environment

Essentially the same as the Spiral Model with the following addition:
This way of working is only suitable for smaller development teams.



Слайд 11 Review
Can you simplify each model to 10 words?

ReviewCan you simplify each model to 10 words? Now 5?Agile

Now 5?


Слайд 12 Prototype – опытный образец
In the spiral life-cycle model

Prototype – опытный образецIn the spiral life-cycle model at the stage

at the stage of analysis and design verification of

the results of verification of prototyping.
?????? Give examples of prototypes.
advantages of prototyping:

disadvantages of prototyping:

Слайд 13 Prototype – опытный образец
advantages of prototyping:
 Enable the

Prototype – опытный образецadvantages of prototyping: Enable the system to be

system to be reviewed by the
client/user during development.
 May

provide a final system that is better
suited to the client/user’s needs.
 Will detect incorrect features earlier than
other models.
 Enable the developers to gain an early
insight into how the system could be

  • Имя файла: life-cycle-models-prototype.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 115
  • Количество скачиваний: 0