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Презентация на тему Maximizing your chances for getting published and some real examples

Being a good fitJust knowing that a journal is of good quality is not enough—you have to do your homeworkRead multiple articles published by that journal in the past few yearsBrowse the abstracts and citationsTalk with
Maximizing Your Chances for Getting Published and some Real ExamplesNathan PickettPhD candidate, Being a good fitJust knowing that a journal is of good quality Having the “right” sourcesHaving an article published means that you are entering Having the “right” sourcesPlagiarism will automatically get you rejected, and many editors Translations and EnglishYou absolutely cannot rely on automatic translationYou should not rely Giving back/playing the gameSay yes when editors ask you to do reviewsAnd Examples from my most recent publication—citations Examples from my most recent publication—references Examples from my most recent publication—reviewer comments…
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Слайд 2 Being a good fit
Just knowing that a journal

Being a good fitJust knowing that a journal is of good

is of good quality is not enough—you have to

do your homework
Read multiple articles published by that journal in the past few years
Browse the abstracts and citations
Talk with colleagues, esp. if they’ve published in that journal
Things to look for: commonly-cited sources, solo vs multiple authors, audience, acknowledgments and funding
Live by the Author Guidelines

Слайд 3 Having the “right” sources
Having an article published means

Having the “right” sourcesHaving an article published means that you are

that you are entering into a conversation—your work is

not an island—and you need to put it in the right context
Be well-read in your field, not just the “classics” or seminal works, but also current articles
If you’re ignoring the literature (on purpose or not) your chances of getting published plummet
Amount and quality of citations

Слайд 4 Having the “right” sources
Plagiarism will automatically get you

Having the “right” sourcesPlagiarism will automatically get you rejected, and many

rejected, and many editors will make a note in

their database
Self-plagiarism, even in translation
Even if you sneak it by them, it can always come out later
Incorporating nonwestern sources

Слайд 5 Translations and English
You absolutely cannot rely on automatic

Translations and EnglishYou absolutely cannot rely on automatic translationYou should not

You should not rely on manual translation
Your writing will

be much better if you start in English (or the journal’s target language) even if you don’t think your English is that great
Translations of your own work is not new scholarship

Слайд 6 Giving back/playing the game
Say yes when editors ask

Giving back/playing the gameSay yes when editors ask you to do

you to do reviews
And if you have to say

no, tell them why and when you’d be able to review
Submit often, but never submit the same article to multiple journals at the same time
Meet your deadlines
Many editors have databases where they note if you were late, hard to work with, plagiarizing, and if you keep saying no to doing reviews
Get to know the people

Слайд 7 Examples from my most recent publication—citations

Examples from my most recent publication—citations

Слайд 8 Examples from my most recent publication—references

Examples from my most recent publication—references

  • Имя файла: maximizing-your-chances-for-getting-published-and-some-real-examples.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 128
  • Количество скачиваний: 0