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Презентация на тему Bronze Age Human Communities in the Southern Urals Steppe: Sintashta-Petrovka social and subsistence organization

The Case Study: the Sintashta-Petrovka Archaeological Culture (cal. 2000-1700 BC) 25 settlements paired with cemeteries nucleated and walled settlements houses are packed within the surrounding walls and ditches sharing their internal walls no social differentiation
Bronze Age Human Communities in the Southern Urals Steppe:  Sintashta-Petrovka social The Case Study:  the Sintashta-Petrovka Archaeological Culture (cal. 2000-1700 BC) 25 The Case Study:  how does Sintashta differ from the rest of Sintashta-Petrovka settlements embankments, ditches and houses with shared wallsKamennyi Ambar (Krause and Elite Mortuary Rituals:  chariots, weapons and outstanding animal sacrificeNovoilinovsky Cemetery (Chechushkov Research Objectives and QuestionsThe research aims to complement previous archaeological investigations of Research Methodology1. Focus on nearby areas of three settlements in the Karagaily-Ayat Research Results: intense subsurface testing nearby three Sintashta settlementsKamennyi Ambar:9 cross-sections16 test Research Results: comparing outside areas to cultural layers inside the walls1. Evidence Research Results: comparing outside areas to cultural layers inside the walls4. The Research Results: chemical analysis (WDXRF) of Kamennyi Ambar outskirts1. In comparison to Research Results: demography of Kamennyi Ambar inside and outside the walls1. The The Sintashta Settlements:  a stronghold as a common explanatory modelSintashta and The Sintashta Settlements:  alternative interpretationsA Common Hypothesis: 25 Sintashta “towns” are Methods to Test the HypothesesThree settlements in the Karagaily-Ayt River Valley in The Winds Speed AnalysisThe output from WindNinjaThe speed of wind depending on The Winds Speed AnalysisThe output from WindNinjaThe classified wind within the buffers The Hydrology AnalysisThe output from ArcGIS 10.5 (Flow Accumulation)The classified area within The Karagaily-Ayat RiverFlood on April, 8th 2018vsSummer Flow, July, 2017andthe possible drainage The Visibility AnalysisThe output from ArcGIS 10.5 (Visibility 2)The classified area within The Visibility Analysis: the visibility values within the buffer zones/24 Insights from the AnalysisThe settlements are located:in the relatively calm spots of Answering the Research Questions1. To what extent do the remains outside the AcknowledgmentsThe work is supported by the NSF Award #1640341My professors and committee
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Case Study: the Sintashta-Petrovka Archaeological Culture (cal.

The Case Study: the Sintashta-Petrovka Archaeological Culture (cal. 2000-1700 BC) 25

2000-1700 BC)

25 settlements paired with cemeteries
nucleated and

walled settlements
houses are packed within the surrounding walls and ditches sharing their internal walls
no social differentiation between the houses in terms of their sizes and patterns of architecture
kurgan cemeteries with rich animal offerings (cattle, horses, sheep)
graves of individual males accompanied by weaponry (projectile weapons and chariots), the insignia of power (stone mace heads), craft tools, and a specific set of sacrificed animals (horses and dogs)


Слайд 3 The Case Study: how does Sintashta differ from

The Case Study: how does Sintashta differ from the rest of

the rest of the Bronze Age cultures?
Early Bronze Age:

settlements and
seasonal camps

The Settlements of Alakul’-Srubnaya cultures
(Alaeva 2015)

Middle/Late Bronze Age

Arkaim (Zdanovich and Batanina 2007)

The Pit-Grave culture Settlement (the Don River)
(Korobkova and Shaposhnikova 2005)

Late/Final Bronze Age:
unfortified smaller settlements


0 20 m

Слайд 4 Sintashta-Petrovka settlements embankments, ditches and houses with shared walls

Sintashta-Petrovka settlements embankments, ditches and houses with shared wallsKamennyi Ambar (Krause

Ambar (Krause and Koryakova 2013)
Ust’ye (Hanks et al. 2013)

Слайд 5 Elite Mortuary Rituals: chariots, weapons and outstanding animal

Elite Mortuary Rituals: chariots, weapons and outstanding animal sacrificeNovoilinovsky Cemetery (Chechushkov

Novoilinovsky Cemetery (Chechushkov and Usmanova, forthcoming)
Sintashta Cemetery (Gening et

al. 1992)

Kamennyi Ambar-5 Cemetery (Epimakhov 2005)
Sintashta Cemetery (Gening et al. 1992)

Krivoe Ozero Cemetery (Vinogradov 2003)


Слайд 6 Research Objectives and Questions
The research aims to complement

Research Objectives and QuestionsThe research aims to complement previous archaeological investigations

previous archaeological investigations of Sintashta-Petrovka chiefdoms, which have told

us a great deal about lifestyles within settlements and elite burials, but we are lacking knowledge of those who dedicated they labor to the construction project and were involved into the subsistence.

Documenting missing part of population allows investigation of settlement rationality, illuminating functioning of the settlements as administrative and ritual centers, fortresses or seasonal shelters against harsh environmental conditions.

1. To what extent do the remains outside the walls indicate actual residence there?
3. If the residence present, did the residents have less wealth and prestige that occupants of the inside?
6. How did the people choose the spots in the local environments to locate the settlements?


Слайд 7 Research Methodology
1. Focus on nearby areas of three

Research Methodology1. Focus on nearby areas of three settlements in the

settlements in the Karagaily-Ayat River Valley
2. Intensive subsurface and

surface testing, including:
cross-sectioning of slopes of natural ravines
core drilling
excavating of test pits
surface collection
total station surveys of microtopography

Konoplyanka, Zhurumbay and Kamennyi Ambar (left to right) as visible on magnetic plans (Krause and Koryakova 2013) and map of the valley


Слайд 8 Research Results: intense subsurface testing nearby three Sintashta settlements

Research Results: intense subsurface testing nearby three Sintashta settlementsKamennyi Ambar:9 cross-sections16

9 cross-sections
16 test pits
179 cores
126 cores sampled for WDXRF

of microtopography

10 test pits
126 cores
map of microtopography

10 test pits
84 cores
surface collection


Слайд 9 Research Results: comparing outside areas to cultural layers inside

Research Results: comparing outside areas to cultural layers inside the walls1.

the walls
1. Evidence for intense cultural layers found outside

the walls of all three settlements
2. The cultural layers consist of ruined bonfires, artefacts and ecofacts, depleted humus
3. The artifact density inside the walls of Kamennyi Ambar is 11.4±5.8 artifacts per 1 sq.m (95% CL; n=8; σ=6.9).
The mean density of materials outside the walls is very similar with 12.4±4.9 artifacts per 1 sq.m (95% CL; n=23; σ=6.9).


Слайд 10 Research Results: comparing outside areas to cultural layers inside

Research Results: comparing outside areas to cultural layers inside the walls4.

the walls
4. The artifact assemblages from the outside might

represent two kinds of seasonal events:
the winter habitation of families that practiced transhumance
summertime ore smelting carried by sedentary craft specialists from the inside.
5. This idea is supported by abundance of baked clay (remains of bonfires) and metallurgical slag.


Слайд 11 Research Results: chemical analysis (WDXRF) of Kamennyi Ambar outskirts

Research Results: chemical analysis (WDXRF) of Kamennyi Ambar outskirts1. In comparison

In comparison to normal values, zones of higher accumulation

of phosphates are to the west, north-east, and south-east from the walls. The cultural materials and layers also common for these area, supporting that is due to past human activities.
2. The standardized values of nine element compounds (P2O5, NaO, Cu, CaO, K2O, MnO, S, Sr, Zn) were summarized to create a proxy value that can be plotted to delineate the cultural layer as a smoothed topographic surface (Drennan and Peterson 2006; 2008).
3. The total estimated area of the cultural layer outside Kamennyi Ambar is about 1 ha.


Слайд 12 Research Results: demography of Kamennyi Ambar inside and outside

Research Results: demography of Kamennyi Ambar inside and outside the walls1.

the walls
1. The settlement has 46 houses inside the

walls, so the median value is 460±40% people who lived within the walls simultaneously (the average family size is 10)
2. The area-density index suggests that outside population who lived there on the seasonal basis is 292±40% people.
3. The cemetery of Kamennyi Ambar-5 yielded about 100 individuals, or 2%–5% of the total population of 4,896±1,960 people in four generations who lived in the nearby settlement for 100 years.
4. In the Sintashta-Petrovka chiefdom, the 2%–5% of elite would have consisted of priests and warriors, 48%–55% of dependent producers and 50%–60% of the lower social class of herders.

46 houses of Kamennyi Ambar (as visible on the magnetic plan) (Krause and Koryakova 2013)

15 graves of the biggest kurgan 4 of the Kamennyi Ambar-5 Cemetery. There are 5 kurgans and about 100-120 people in total (Epimakhov 2005)


Слайд 13 The Sintashta Settlements: a stronghold as a common

The Sintashta Settlements: a stronghold as a common explanatory modelSintashta and

explanatory model
Sintashta and Reconstruction of the Fortification System (Gening

et al. 1992)


Слайд 14 The Sintashta Settlements: alternative interpretations
A Common Hypothesis:

The Sintashta Settlements: alternative interpretationsA Common Hypothesis: 25 Sintashta “towns” are

Sintashta “towns” are strongholds and the centers of political

and religious life (Zdanovich et al. 1995; Zdanovich D. 1997; Anthony 2007, etc.)

An Alternative Hypothesis:
the Sintashta enclosed settlements are sophisticated systems of livestock maintenance in the harsh environment (Anisimov 2009)

Phases of Arkaim construction (Anisimov 2009)

Settlement as shelters (Nikolay Petrov’s original artwork 2017)

Medieval fortresses as the source for inspiration? (Rappaport 1965)


Слайд 15 Methods to Test the Hypotheses
Three settlements in the

Methods to Test the HypothesesThree settlements in the Karagaily-Ayt River Valley

Karagaily-Ayt River Valley in the southern Urals
Analysis of dependency

of wind speed on the local landscape
Analysis of dependency of hydrology on the local landscape
Analysis of local elevations and visibility


Слайд 16 The Winds Speed Analysis
The output from WindNinja

The speed

The Winds Speed AnalysisThe output from WindNinjaThe speed of wind depending

of wind
depending on the landscape (m/s)

Kamennyi Ambar
December 16th,



Слайд 17 The Winds Speed Analysis
The output from WindNinja

The classified

The Winds Speed AnalysisThe output from WindNinjaThe classified wind within the

wind within the buffers of 3 km from three

analyzed settlements
A − For Kamennyi Ambar, winds between 3.58 m/s and 3.66 m/s are classified as low, 3.66 m/s and 3.74 m/s as moderate, and 3.74 m/s and 3.9 m/s as high winds.
B − For Konoplyanka winds between 3.57 m/s and 3.66 m/s are classified as low, 3.66 m/s and 3.73 m/s as moderate, and 3.73 m/s and 3.86 m/s as high.
C − For Zhurumbay winds between 3.56 m/s and 3.67 m/s are classified as low, 3.67 m/s and 3.73 m/s as moderate, and 3.73 m/s and 3.85 m/s as high.


Слайд 18 The Hydrology Analysis
The output from ArcGIS 10.5 (Flow

The Hydrology AnalysisThe output from ArcGIS 10.5 (Flow Accumulation)The classified area


The classified area within the buffers of 3 km

from three analyzed settlements with respect to flood risk

Low flood risk zone: 0 inflowing cells

Moderate flood risk zone: 0 to 100 inflowing cells

High flood risk zone: more than 100 inflowing cells.

The modern and old channels of the river are drawn from the satellite image, and then the value of 100 assigned to each cell within the channels.


Слайд 19 The Karagaily-Ayat River

Flood on April, 8th 2018
Summer Flow,

The Karagaily-Ayat RiverFlood on April, 8th 2018vsSummer Flow, July, 2017andthe possible

July, 2017
the possible drainage system of the Sintashta Settlement

Слайд 20 The Visibility Analysis
The output from ArcGIS 10.5 (Visibility

The Visibility AnalysisThe output from ArcGIS 10.5 (Visibility 2)The classified area


The classified area within the buffers of 3 km

from three analyzed settlements with respect to local visibility

Classification in accordance with the natural breaks on histograms


Слайд 21 The Visibility Analysis: the visibility values within the buffer

The Visibility Analysis: the visibility values within the buffer zones/24



Слайд 22 Insights from the Analysis
The settlements are located:
in the

Insights from the AnalysisThe settlements are located:in the relatively calm spots

relatively calm spots of the landscape, where speed of

wind is either low or moderate
on the banks of the rivers, however within the low to moderate flood risk zones
where the river most likely did not flow in the Bronze Age
in the spots of the little visibility
in the lowest spots of the local landscapes


Слайд 23 Answering the Research Questions
1. To what extent do

Answering the Research Questions1. To what extent do the remains outside

the remains outside the walls of the settlements indicate

actual residence there?
My combined methodology of sub-surface testing and laboratory analysis revealed existence of the cultural layers in the outskirts of all three sites
The area of cultural deposits outside KA is about 1 ha, or similar to the total area of houses inside (1.2 ha)
Evidence for bonfires (baked clay, charcoal, tiny pieces of burnt bones) allow suggesting that area could be used for the residence
3. If the residence present, did the residents have less wealth and prestige that occupants of the inside?
The artifact assemblage from the outside demonstrate lower values of richness and diversity, suggesting that people accumulated less possessions, or they were made of less durable materials. Presumably, this means less wealth accumulation in terms of material things.
Their life-style differed, but it doesn’t say much about social prestige.
Though, the most prominent members of the society were buried with the attributes of warriors, what suggests that the pastoral part of the society had less social prestige
6. How did people choose the spots to locate the settlements?
the settlements located in the lower spots near the sources of fresh water, so the need to water animals played the most crucial role
within the river’s flood-risk zones, but surrounded by ditches to drain the water during the floods
low wind speed locations to protect from harsh winter conditions
no role of local visibility, suggesting that people didn’t think about unexpected attacks


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