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Презентация на тему Company Apple Inc

Apple is…Company that has lasted for 30 years.Providing jobs.The face of technology.Innovating the modern world.
Apple Inc. Apple is…Company that has lasted for 30 years.Providing jobs.The face of technology.Innovating the modern world. Steve JobsCompany invented in 1976.Steve Jobs left company in 1985.Returns back in iPhone iPad iMac Apple Watch Conclusion
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Apple is…
Company that has lasted for 30 years.

Apple is…Company that has lasted for 30 years.Providing jobs.The face of technology.Innovating the modern world.

The face of technology.
Innovating the modern world.

Слайд 3 Steve Jobs
Company invented in 1976.
Steve Jobs left company

Steve JobsCompany invented in 1976.Steve Jobs left company in 1985.Returns back

in 1985.
Returns back in 1997.
Brought company back into economy.

away in 2011.

Слайд 4 iPhone


Слайд 7 Apple Watch

Apple Watch

  • Имя файла: company-apple-inc.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 153
  • Количество скачиваний: 0