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Презентация на тему Цивилизация Майя. Maya civilization

The Maya were an Indian people who lived in Yucatan in southern Mexico before 1000 BC. Their civilization encompassed(охватывала) his influence Yucatan peninsula, the territory of the modern states, such as Guatemala, Belize, part of Honduras,
Maya civilization. The Maya were an Indian people who lived in Yucatan in southern While Europe was still in the Dark Ages, the Maya had already The Maya were very creative in sculpture and painting. Their temples and Sacrifices were part of religious activity in the culture of the Maya, Sacrifice - a feature of almost all pre-modern societies at a certain The Maya’s life. Seven million descendants of the Mayan civilization still survive today. Today’s art If you want to know about Maya more, you can see the film “APOCALYPTO”(18 +) Thank you for your attention.Made by: Gusleva Anna Shershneva Dasha 9”V”
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Maya were an Indian people who lived

The Maya were an Indian people who lived in Yucatan in

in Yucatan in southern Mexico before 1000 BC. Their

civilization encompassed(охватывала) his influence Yucatan peninsula, the territory of the modern states, such as Guatemala, Belize, part of Honduras, El Salvador and some states in Mexico.

Слайд 3 While Europe was still in the Dark Ages,

While Europe was still in the Dark Ages, the Maya had

the Maya had already developed mathematics, writing and astronomy.

The “zero” in math was invented by the Maya. The Mayan calendar was more accurate than the one we use today.

Слайд 4 The Maya were very creative in sculpture and

The Maya were very creative in sculpture and painting. Their temples

painting. Their temples and palaces have been compared with

those of ancient Greece. The ceramics which have been found at many sites in Mexico prove how skilful they were.

Слайд 6 Sacrifices were part of religious activity in the

Sacrifices were part of religious activity in the culture of the

culture of the Maya, they included slaughtering animals or

cupping of the community during the rituals conducted under the direction of the priests.

Слайд 7 Sacrifice - a feature of almost all pre-modern

Sacrifice - a feature of almost all pre-modern societies at a

societies at a certain stage of their development and

in general for similar reasons: to appease the gods and to fulfill the commitments are felt to them.

Слайд 8 The Maya’s life.

The Maya’s life.

Слайд 9 Seven million descendants of the Mayan civilization still

Seven million descendants of the Mayan civilization still survive today. Today’s

survive today. Today’s art is still produced using ancient

techniques and is now becoming famous all over the world.

Слайд 10 If you want to know about Maya more,

If you want to know about Maya more, you can see the film “APOCALYPTO”(18 +)

you can see the film “APOCALYPTO”(18 +)

  • Имя файла: tsivilizatsiya-mayya-maya-civilization.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 132
  • Количество скачиваний: 0