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Презентация на тему Digital Image Stabilization


OutlineIntroductionBasic architecture of DISMVI method for DISFuture work
Digital Image Stabilization老師 : 楊士萱學生 : 鄭馥銘 OutlineIntroductionBasic architecture of DISMVI method for DISFuture work IntroductionAn image stabilization system manages to remove unwanted movement form an image Basic architecture of DISPre-processingStabilizationVideo EncoderVideo DecoderInputOutputStabilized Input Basic architecture of DISstabilization-aided encoderStabilizationVideo EncoderVideo DecoderInputOutput Basic architecture of DISstabilization-aided decoderStabilizationVideo EncoderVideo DecoderInputOutput MVI Method for DISMVI : Motion Vector IntegrationBasic idea : Using some New Algorithm and Architecture of Digital Image stabilization SystemCCDA/DDIS for FMVideo EncoderBlock New Algorithm and Architecture of Digital Image stabilization SystemLack of featuresExistence of A general structure of DIS system with frame memoryPre-processingMotion EstimationFrame RegisterMotion DecisionMotion CompensationFrame MemoryStabilized images Pre-ProcessingPre-processingMotion EstimationFrame RegisterMotion DecisionMotion CompensationFrame MemoryStabilized images Pre-ProcessingBlock Matching over Bit-Planes Pre-ProcessingBlock Matching over Gray-Code Bit-Planes Motion EstimationPre-processingMotion EstimationFrame RegisterMotion DecisionMotion CompensationFrame MemoryStabilized images Motion Estimation Motion Estimation Motion DecisionPre-processingMotion EstimationFrame RegisterMotion DecisionMotion CompensationFrame MemoryStabilized images Motion Decision (Lack-of-Feature Condition) Motion Decision (Lack-of-Feature Condition) Motion Decision (Lack-of-Feature Condition) Motion Decision (Existence of Moving Objects)Random-like motiontemporally correlated motion Motion Decision (Existence of Moving Objects) Motion Decision (Intentional Panning Condition)If 80% of the VALID_LMV are detected as Motion Decision (Optical Zooming Condition) Motion Decision (Spatial Noise Checking of Noise Level) Procedure of Motion Decision Procedure of Motion Decision Motion CompensationFrame Motion Vector (FMV)Accumulated Motion Vector (AMV)Motion Compensation Simulation Result Future workUnderstanding mpeg4 framework in order to write my propose method program
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Outline
Basic architecture of DIS
MVI method for DIS
Future work

OutlineIntroductionBasic architecture of DISMVI method for DISFuture work

Слайд 3 Introduction
An image stabilization system manages to remove unwanted

IntroductionAn image stabilization system manages to remove unwanted movement form an

movement form an image sequence
Previous image stabilization system

gyros, mechanical dampers ,
angular velocity sensors…………..
We prefer to use DIS

Слайд 4 Basic architecture of DIS

Video Encoder
Video Decoder
Stabilized Input

Basic architecture of DISPre-processingStabilizationVideo EncoderVideo DecoderInputOutputStabilized Input

Слайд 5 Basic architecture of DIS
stabilization-aided encoder
Video Encoder
Video Decoder

Basic architecture of DISstabilization-aided encoderStabilizationVideo EncoderVideo DecoderInputOutput

Слайд 6 Basic architecture of DIS
stabilization-aided decoder
Video Encoder
Video Decoder

Basic architecture of DISstabilization-aided decoderStabilizationVideo EncoderVideo DecoderInputOutput

Слайд 7 MVI Method for DIS
MVI : Motion Vector Integration

MVI Method for DISMVI : Motion Vector IntegrationBasic idea : Using

idea :
Using some propose method to find reliable

local motion vector(LMV)
Calculate the global motion vector(GMV) form LMV.
Integrating the previous frame GMV and current frame GMV to calculate AMV.
Using AMV to compensate current frame to be stabilized frame.
Reference paper [1-4]

Слайд 8 New Algorithm and Architecture of Digital Image stabilization

New Algorithm and Architecture of Digital Image stabilization SystemCCDA/DDIS for FMVideo

DIS for FM
Video Encoder
Block diagram of a digital video camera

with DIS system.

Слайд 9 New Algorithm and Architecture of Digital Image stabilization

New Algorithm and Architecture of Digital Image stabilization SystemLack of featuresExistence

Lack of features
Existence of moving objects
Intentional panning
Existence of repeated

Intentional zooming
Low signal-to-noise ratio
Large movement out of the searching range of block matching
Complicated Motion (e.g. rotatory motion)

Слайд 10 A general structure of DIS system with frame

A general structure of DIS system with frame memoryPre-processingMotion EstimationFrame RegisterMotion DecisionMotion CompensationFrame MemoryStabilized images

Motion Estimation
Frame Register
Motion Decision
Motion Compensation
Frame Memory
Stabilized images

Слайд 11 Pre-Processing
Motion Estimation
Frame Register
Motion Decision
Motion Compensation
Frame Memory
Stabilized images

Pre-ProcessingPre-processingMotion EstimationFrame RegisterMotion DecisionMotion CompensationFrame MemoryStabilized images

Слайд 12 Pre-Processing
Block Matching over Bit-Planes

Pre-ProcessingBlock Matching over Bit-Planes

Слайд 14 Pre-Processing
Block Matching over Gray-Code Bit-Planes

Pre-ProcessingBlock Matching over Gray-Code Bit-Planes

Слайд 16 Motion Estimation
Motion Estimation
Frame Register
Motion Decision
Motion Compensation
Frame Memory
Stabilized images

Motion EstimationPre-processingMotion EstimationFrame RegisterMotion DecisionMotion CompensationFrame MemoryStabilized images

Слайд 17 Motion Estimation

Motion Estimation

Слайд 18 Motion Estimation

Motion Estimation

Слайд 19 Motion Decision
Motion Estimation
Frame Register
Motion Decision
Motion Compensation
Frame Memory
Stabilized images

Motion DecisionPre-processingMotion EstimationFrame RegisterMotion DecisionMotion CompensationFrame MemoryStabilized images

Слайд 20 Motion Decision (Lack-of-Feature Condition)

Motion Decision (Lack-of-Feature Condition)

Слайд 21 Motion Decision (Lack-of-Feature Condition)

Motion Decision (Lack-of-Feature Condition)

Слайд 22 Motion Decision (Lack-of-Feature Condition)

Motion Decision (Lack-of-Feature Condition)

Слайд 23 Motion Decision (Existence of Moving Objects)
Random-like motion
temporally correlated motion

Motion Decision (Existence of Moving Objects)Random-like motiontemporally correlated motion

Слайд 24 Motion Decision (Existence of Moving Objects)

Motion Decision (Existence of Moving Objects)

Слайд 25 Motion Decision (Intentional Panning Condition)
If 80% of the VALID_LMV

Motion Decision (Intentional Panning Condition)If 80% of the VALID_LMV are detected

are detected as temporally correlated motion, we consider that

the camera is under a panning condition and no motion compensation is needed Otherwise, we assume that these temporally correlated motion vectors are caused by some moving objects in the image.

Слайд 26 Motion Decision (Optical Zooming Condition)

Motion Decision (Optical Zooming Condition)

Слайд 27 Motion Decision (Spatial Noise Checking of Noise Level)

Motion Decision (Spatial Noise Checking of Noise Level)

Слайд 28 Procedure of Motion Decision

Procedure of Motion Decision

Слайд 29 Procedure of Motion Decision

Procedure of Motion Decision

Слайд 30 Motion Compensation
Frame Motion Vector (FMV)

Accumulated Motion Vector (AMV)


Motion CompensationFrame Motion Vector (FMV)Accumulated Motion Vector (AMV)Motion Compensation


Слайд 31 Simulation Result

Simulation Result

  • Имя файла: digital-image-stabilization.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 81
  • Количество скачиваний: 0