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Презентация на тему по музыке на английском языке, на тему: Jazz

Jazz is a music genre that originated amongst African Americans in New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Since the 1920s jazz age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression.
Jazz is a music genre that originated amongst African Americans in New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th Jazz is the art of improvisation. It is more than 100 years Jazzspiritualbluesragtime Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music Blues – folk song of the American Negro with a sad tone. Dance music special rhythmic warehouse. Originally started as a piano work. Songs of the North American Negro religious content.They sang the chorus are QuestionsWhat share of jazz?what is spirituals?How old is jazz?Ragtime is - .
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Jazz is a music genre that originated amongst African Americans in New Orleans, United States,

Jazz is a music genre that originated amongst African Americans in New Orleans, United States, in the late

in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Since

the 1920s jazz age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression.

Слайд 3 Jazz is the art of improvisation.
It is more

Jazz is the art of improvisation. It is more than 100 years

than 100 years

Слайд 4 Jazz


Слайд 5 Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical

Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American

expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European

military band music. 

Слайд 6 Blues – folk song of the American Negro

Blues – folk song of the American Negro with a sad tone.

with a sad tone.

Слайд 7 Dance music special rhythmic warehouse. Originally started as

Dance music special rhythmic warehouse. Originally started as a piano work.

a piano work.

Слайд 8 Songs of the North American Negro religious content.

Songs of the North American Negro religious content.They sang the chorus

sang the chorus are still slaves of the plantations,

in imitation of the spiritual hymns of white settlers.

The spiritual

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-muzyke-na-angliyskom-yazyke-na-temu-jazz.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 222
  • Количество скачиваний: 3