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Презентация на тему MAKS. Scientific conference and symposium

Scientific conference and symposium
MAKS Scientific conference and symposium Air show HelicoptersPlanesUniversal aircraftsOthers Information in numbers452 400 visitors and participants 37 countries700 Russian and 150 foreign companies 2500 officers from the police and National Guard of Russian Federation.0 emergencies and incidents.GUARANTEE OF SAFETY Thank you for your attention!Any questions?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
Scientific conference and symposium

Scientific conference and symposium

Слайд 3 Air show

Air show

Слайд 4
Universal aircrafts

HelicoptersPlanesUniversal aircraftsOthers

Слайд 5 Information in numbers
452 400 visitors and participants

Information in numbers452 400 visitors and participants 37 countries700 Russian and 150 foreign companies

700 Russian and 150 foreign companies

Слайд 6 2500 officers from the police and National Guard

2500 officers from the police and National Guard of Russian Federation.0 emergencies and incidents.GUARANTEE OF SAFETY

of Russian Federation.
0 emergencies and incidents.

  • Имя файла: maks-scientific-conference-and-symposium.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 127
  • Количество скачиваний: 0