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Презентация на тему MOST ESSENTIAL READING SKILLS. Презентация

Reading requires very complex cognitive skills.
Most Essential  Reading SkillsKrinitskaya I. V.Saint-Petersburg Technical College of Management an Commerce Reading requires very complex cognitive skills. Proper reading skills: not only comprehension the ability to analyze texts and  understand their messages Essential skills for the reading process:Previewing SkimmingScanning Reading for DetailVisualizingSummarizingCritical reading  Previewing  In many cases when students have some idea of what SKIMMINGSkimming is considered a speed-reading skill. While skimming the text the reader SCANNING  Scanning allows the reader to quickly search a text for READING FOR DETAIL  Detailed reading, or intensive reading, is essential for VISIULIZING  Some students get the reading material better when they visualize SUMMERIZING   After reading the text, students should be able to CRITICAL READING  Information is the most valuable thing and critical reading
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Слайд 2 Reading requires very complex cognitive skills.

Reading requires very complex cognitive skills.

Слайд 3 Proper reading skills:
not only comprehension
the ability to

Proper reading skills: not only comprehension the ability to analyze texts and  understand their messages

analyze texts and
understand their messages

Слайд 4 Essential skills for the reading process:
Reading for Detail

Essential skills for the reading process:Previewing SkimmingScanning Reading for DetailVisualizingSummarizingCritical reading 


Слайд 5 Previewing
In many cases when students have

Previewing In many cases when students have some idea of what

some idea of what the text will be about,

they have fewer difficulties comprehending it. Elements that are most helpful for previewing are newspaper headlines or titles, images, photos, signal words and the format.  

Skimming is considered a speed-reading skill. While skimming

SKIMMINGSkimming is considered a speed-reading skill. While skimming the text the

the text the reader quickly jumps over it to

get the main idea. It allows the reader to spot the part of the text which will be of immediate interest for the reader and they will need to read it more closely. For example, many students need to read long reports at work. By skimming the report, they can still follow the gist and stop when they find something of particular interest to them.
The teacher may deliver students several newspaper or magazine articles, give them 5 minutes to skim those articles and tell which one they remember better. Circling keywords and writing them down on the board will help students identify the word associations and see the main idea.  

Scanning allows the reader to quickly

SCANNING Scanning allows the reader to quickly search a text for

search a text for a particular piece of information.

Scanning is ideal when students need to find some specific information, for example, a phone number, the date of a historical event or the time their train is leaving. As a scanning activity in the classroom students may be given questions to answer after the reading, fill in the blanks.

Detailed reading, or intensive

READING FOR DETAIL Detailed reading, or intensive reading, is essential for

reading, is essential for fluent readers, means full comprehension

of the text with the goal of absorbing as much meaning from it as possible. This type of reading requires great mental effort and focus. This is a slower reading process that starts at the beginning of a passage and proceeds to the end, students should aim to understand about eighty percent of the information they read. 

Some students get the reading material

VISIULIZING Some students get the reading material better when they visualize

better when they visualize the information with the help

of mind maps or graphic organizers. Before reading a text, the teacher may ask the learners to visualize some parts from the text in this way helping them to better comprehend the reading. For example, if they are reading a newspaper article on the contaminated river, they may be asked to picture the river and its surroundings. 

After reading the text, students

SUMMERIZING  After reading the text, students should be able to

should be able to summarize what they’ve read. This

may be a short oral summary or a full paragraph. The most important element of summarizing is getting the main idea of the material. Summarizing implies the ability to tell the main point of the reading material in a concise way. Learning organizers such as concept-mapping will help your students identify main ideas and subtopics in informational texts and summarize it effectively. By filling in the spaces provided, students will be able to understand its contents better. Imagine a text is about “The Olympic Games”. The teacher writes the topic “The Olympic Games” in a central box. Then, he/she discusses the ideas surrounding the topic. After that, the students identify the main points in every paragraph and actually write them in boxes surrounding the topic.

For example:
Taking place every four years
First game held in Greece in 776 B.C or earlier
Summer and winter games

  • Имя файла: most-essential-reading-skills-prezentatsiya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 189
  • Количество скачиваний: 2