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Презентация на тему Елизавета Глинка-человек, которым я восхищаюсь

They say, that every teenager nowadays admires someone. A lot of young people find idols in cinema or music sphere, in sports or in politics . As for me I admire those people who try to
муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение  «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №4»  г. Сафоново They say, that every teenager nowadays admires someone. A lot of young One of such people is Elizabeth Glinka. I think that she is Doctor Liza was a social activist, the Director of the Fund She was born on the 20th of February in 1962 in Her husband Gleb Glebovich Glinka is a son of the famous Russian  In America, Glinka began to work in a hospice and was shocked In 2007 Glinka moved to Moscow and founded the charity Fund « During the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine, Elizabeth helped people living in Elizabeth Glinka is one of the most influential women of Russia. She But on the 25th of December in 2016 Elizaveta Glinka died in For me Elizabeth Glinka is a real hero of our days. WE will always remember you источникиhttp://www.wikiwand.com/ru/Глинка, Елизавета Петровна#/overviewhttp://informvest.net/other/elizaveta-glinka-doktor-liza-biografiya-foto-semya-muzh.htmlhttp://philologist.livejournal.com/8987612.html poliksal.ru;chto-proishodit.ru;ru.wikipedia.org;yandex.ru/images.http://philologist.livejournal.com/8987612.html Thank you for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 They say, that every teenager nowadays admires someone.

They say, that every teenager nowadays admires someone. A lot of

A lot of young people find idols in cinema

or music sphere, in sports or in politics . As for me I admire those people who try to help others to improve their way of live.

Слайд 3
One of such people is Elizabeth Glinka. I

One of such people is Elizabeth Glinka. I think that she

think that she is a person who deserves our

respect and admiration.
She is known as «Doctor Liza» who has helped a lot of people not only in our country but in other countries too.

Слайд 4 Doctor Liza was a social activist, the Director

Doctor Liza was a social activist, the Director of the Fund

of the Fund "Fair aid“, the President of Fund

«International Hospice» and a member of the charity Fund "Vera“ helping the hospices.

Слайд 5 She was born on the 20th of

She was born on the 20th of February in 1962

February in 1962 in Moscow.
In 1986 she graduated

the 2nd Moscow state medical Institute of N. I. Pirogov.
The same year she emigrated to the United States of America with her husband.

Слайд 6 Her husband Gleb Glebovich Glinka is a son

Her husband Gleb Glebovich Glinka is a son of the famous

of the famous Russian poet and literary critic Gleb

Alexandrovich Glinka. Gleb Glebovich Glinka is a successful American lawyer. Elizabeth Glinka and her husband have three sons, one of them is adopted.

Слайд 7

In America, Glinka began to work in a

 In America, Glinka began to work in a hospice and was

hospice and was shocked by the human relationship to

the hopeless patients in this place. In the late nineties Elizabeth moved to Kiev, where her husband worked. There she organized nursing service of palliative care. And in 2001 the first free hospice in Kiev was founded with her help .

Слайд 8

In 2007 Glinka moved to Moscow and founded

In 2007 Glinka moved to Moscow and founded the charity Fund

the charity Fund « Fair aid». Her fund helped

the low-income groups of people and other socially unprotected categories of the population.
In August 2010, the Fund "Fair aid" organized the collection of aid for victims of fires taking place in various regions of the country and organized the place for heating  and feeding the homeless.

Слайд 9

During the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine, Elizabeth

During the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine, Elizabeth helped people living

helped people living in Lugansk and Donbas to move

to the safe places.

Слайд 10
Elizabeth Glinka is one of the most influential

Elizabeth Glinka is one of the most influential women of Russia.

women of Russia.
She received some awards for devotion

to medical duty, for the salvation of children in the East of Ukraine and for the great contribution to charitable and social activities.

Слайд 11 But on the 25th of December in 2016

But on the 25th of December in 2016 Elizaveta Glinka died

Elizaveta Glinka died in the crash of the plane

Tu-154 over the Black sea. The plane was flying to Syria where she was going to save children. On the board of the plane there were 83 people and 8 members of the crew.

Слайд 12

For me Elizabeth Glinka is a real

For me Elizabeth Glinka is a real hero of our

hero of our days.
Her life is an example

of unselfish care and love to people.

Слайд 13 WE will always remember you

WE will always remember you

Слайд 14 источники
http://www.wikiwand.com/ru/Глинка, Елизавета Петровна#/overview

источникиhttp://www.wikiwand.com/ru/Глинка, Елизавета Петровна#/overviewhttp://informvest.net/other/elizaveta-glinka-doktor-liza-biografiya-foto-semya-muzh.htmlhttp://philologist.livejournal.com/8987612.html poliksal.ru;chto-proishodit.ru;ru.wikipedia.org;yandex.ru/images.http://philologist.livejournal.com/8987612.html

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