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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Наш любимый праздник-масленница

Maslenitsa This holiday comes back from pagan times. The holiday like Maslenitsa is celebrated in many cities. On this holiday people often go out to entertain themselves and play games.Also, a holiday like Maslenitsa lasts seven
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение Maslenitsa This holiday comes back from pagan times. The holiday like Maslenitsa Maslenitsa: traditions of celebration  Many years ago, Maslenitsa was divided into Maslenitsa: traditions of celebration A treat on Shrove TuesdayA rich table is usually set on Wednesday. Rite of passage burning effigiesSunday is the last day of Maslenitsa.There is Words:skating, dancing, songs, celebrations, pancakes, pastries, a rich table, cheese week, butter, Exercise 1 Read the text.Say,if the information is true or false.1) The
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Maslenitsa
This holiday comes back from pagan times. The

Maslenitsa This holiday comes back from pagan times. The holiday like

holiday like Maslenitsa is celebrated in many cities. On

this holiday people often go out to entertain themselves and play games.Also, a holiday like Maslenitsa lasts seven days. The celebration begins a week before Lent.This week in Russia is called "Cheese Week", as it is allowed to eat butter and dairy products for seven days.

Слайд 3 Maslenitsa: traditions of celebration
Many years ago,

Maslenitsa: traditions of celebration Many years ago, Maslenitsa was divided into

Maslenitsa was divided into narrow one they were -

the first three days and wide one - the last four days. Each day of the Maslenitsa has its own special meaning. On Monday and Tuesday, people had different entertainments: ice skating, songs, dances, ditties, round dances, jumping over a fire .

Слайд 4 Maslenitsa: traditions of celebration

Maslenitsa: traditions of celebration

Слайд 5 A treat on Shrove Tuesday
A rich table is

A treat on Shrove TuesdayA rich table is usually set on

usually set on Wednesday. Pancakes are the main dish.

Previously, in Russia, pancakes were considered a symbol of the sun. Besides pancakes, there are other different baking on the table.

Слайд 6 Rite of passage burning effigies
Sunday is the last

Rite of passage burning effigiesSunday is the last day of Maslenitsa.There

day of Maslenitsa.There is a tradition all over Russia

each other for forgiveness.That is why this day is called Shrove Sunday.The symbol of the holiday is considered a scarecrow, which is burned at the stake. Burning a scarecrow is a rite that is dedicated to seeing off winter and meeting spring.Maslenitsa is a very funny and interesting holiday, which amuses with its entertainments and traditions

Слайд 7 Words:skating, dancing, songs, celebrations, pancakes, pastries, a rich

Words:skating, dancing, songs, celebrations, pancakes, pastries, a rich table, cheese week,

table, cheese week, butter, milk products, traditions, round dances,

traditions, jumping over a fire, rite, entertainment, symbol, sun, holiday.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-nash-lyubimyy-prazdnik-maslennitsa.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 137
  • Количество скачиваний: 0