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Презентация на тему Schechter Method. (Лекция 3)

It is based on emotional-semantic mode of learning
Schechter Method It is based on emotional-semantic mode of learning It is a typical It is based upon the fact that foreign language should be Schechter suggests activation of the material, not just its presentation in the The emotional-semantic method focuses on the development of speech. It consists of a set of conversational techniques (emotional sense) and Students choose a middle name, and a successful ConsIt is not suitable for school or university lessons. Although people begin
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Слайд 2

It is based on

It is based on emotional-semantic mode of learning

emotional-semantic mode of learning

Слайд 3
It is a typical "immersion method", which is

It is a typical

somewhat similar to the "direct method” (direct learning), used

in the USA.
This Intensive Method is heavily influenced by Lozanov's Suggestopedia but still retains uniquely Russian attributes.
It is not the Russian equivalent of the American Accelerated Learning programmes.

Слайд 4

It is based upon the fact that

It is based upon the fact that foreign language should

foreign language should be taken as native.
Students solve

quite specific "non-linguistic" problems using foreign language.
Their native language is not used

Слайд 5

Schechter suggests activation of the material, not just

Schechter suggests activation of the material, not just its presentation in

its presentation in the learning process.
All the constructions

and phrases are memorized naturally.
From the very beginning students are taught to express themselves communicating in different hypothetic situations. Only then the teacher explains some grammar material.

Слайд 6

The emotional-semantic method focuses on the development of

The emotional-semantic method focuses on the development of speech.


Слайд 7

It consists of a set of conversational

It consists of a set of conversational techniques (emotional sense)

techniques (emotional sense) and includes communication between a teacher

and students from the very beginning.

Слайд 8

Students choose a middle name, and a

Students choose a middle name, and a successful

successful "legend" of a Glasgow architect, a violinist from

Palermo, etc.
A special role in Schechter’s method is played by "language camps" where students go along with teachers "on nature", communicate with each other, and «experience" everyday events with "foreign" language all around.

  • Имя файла: schechter-method-lektsiya-3.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 124
  • Количество скачиваний: 0