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Презентация на тему Trains from different countries

Trains from different countries There are trains in all countries of the world, and are there any that are very unusal and quite even faster than in Russia.I will tell you about the fastest trains
Trains from different countriesВыполнил: Виноградов Борислав 6 «в» Trains from different countries There are trains in all countries of Acela ExpressAmerican passenger high-speed train owned by Amtrak. Its top speed is Japanse Shinkansen Japanse Shinkansen – (603 Km/h). The undisputed leader of our Peregrine falcon  Traveling by train in Russia is a ICE 3The trains of the ICE (Intercity-Express) version are produced by the FrecciaRossa 1000The FrecciaRossa 1000 is the latest high-speed train in the Italian The end!Thanks for watching
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Слайд 2 Trains from different countries
There are trains in all

Trains from different countries There are trains in all countries

countries of the world, and are there any that

are very unusal and quite even faster than in Russia.
I will tell you about the fastest trains in different countries:
Acela Express (Асэла экспресс)
Japanese Shinkasen (Японский Синкасэн)
Peregrine falcon (Сапсан)
ICE 3 (Лед 3)
FrecciaRossa 1000 (Красная стрела 1000) Итл.перевод.

Слайд 3 Acela Express
American passenger high-speed train owned by Amtrak.

Acela ExpressAmerican passenger high-speed train owned by Amtrak. Its top speed

Its top speed is 240 km / h and

it is the only high-speed train on the American continent. At the same time, "Acela" is operated on conventional (but reconstructed) lines, in connection with which the train is equipped with devices for tilting the body. This allows better fit at high speed into tight curves.
The regular operation of Acela trains began on December 11, 2000. They run in the northeastern United States from Washington through Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York to Boston, covering the 734 km journey in 6 hours 38 minutes. The train is a serious competitor to airplanes. Thus, Acela Express accounts for about half of all passenger traffic between Washington and New York, as well as 37% of passenger traffic between New York and Boston.

Слайд 4 Japanse Shinkansen
Japanse Shinkansen – (603 Km/h). The undisputed

Japanse Shinkansen Japanse Shinkansen – (603 Km/h). The undisputed leader of

leader of our rating is the Japanese train Shinkansen,

whose name translates as “new line”. During working tests, the train reached a record high speed of 603 km / h. For 40 years of operation of this train, not a single accident was recorded.

Слайд 5 Peregrine falcon
Traveling by train in Russia is a

Peregrine falcon Traveling by train in Russia is a convenient,

convenient, economical and, above all, the most interesting way

to get to know the largest country in the world. The high-speed Sapsan trains are equivalent to the FrecciaRossa and Italo trains, and connect major cities at a speed of 250 km / h. The fastest train Moscow - St. Petersburg takes only 3 hours 55 minutes.

Sapsan is designed specifically for Russia, therefore it is capable of operating at extreme temperatures from -40 ° C to + 40 ° C. The train's capacity is 522 passengers. The cars are equipped with leather seats in the first class and fabric-covered seats in the second. Each passenger seat is equipped with a reading lamp and folding table. In addition, the train includes a restaurant car with hot meals, drinks and snacks. Free Wi-Fi is provided on board, giving you access to an entertainment portal with movies, music and online magazines.

Слайд 6 ICE 3
The trains of the ICE (Intercity-Express) version

ICE 3The trains of the ICE (Intercity-Express) version are produced by

are produced by the German railway company Deutsche Bahn

and offer their customers maximum comfort and a high speed of up to 330 km / h. In particular, the ICE 3 version covers 300 km between Hamburg and Berlin in just 2 hours, and Munich, which is 500 km away, can be reached in 3 hours.

Слайд 7 FrecciaRossa 1000
The FrecciaRossa 1000 is the latest high-speed

FrecciaRossa 1000The FrecciaRossa 1000 is the latest high-speed train in the

train in the Italian Trenitalia fleet. The fastest high-speed

train in Europe not only connects the most important cities in the country, but is also one of the most technologically advanced and environmentally friendly in Europe. The train has a top speed of 400 km / h and travels from Milan to Rome in just 2 hours 55 minutes, while the Rome - Naples route takes 1 hour and 10 minutes.

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  • Количество просмотров: 187
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