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Презентация на тему Здоровье

What have you done today to stay healthy? Составила: учитель английского языкаСедунова Юлия ВладимировнаМБОУ СОШ №49 г. Шахты
What have you done today to stay healthy? Составила: учитель английского языкаСедунова Grammar revision  Present PerfectSB page 86 or grammar support page 154Образование: Памятка №1Be polite. Use the phrases:“Excuse me. Can I ask you a Go to the dentist - 5Check eyes - 7Eat fruit and “Tips for healthy kids” Памятка № 2To be healthy you Are you a healthy class? I think we’re a healthy class because What have you learnt at the lesson?What tense have you used?What was difficult, interesting for you? Self-assessment Homework:Proverbs (3-5) 
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What have you done today to stay healthy?

What have you done today to stay healthy? Составила: учитель английского

Составила: учитель английского языка
Седунова Юлия Владимировна
МБОУ СОШ №49 г.


Слайд 3 Grammar revision Present Perfect
SB page 86 or grammar

Grammar revision Present PerfectSB page 86 or grammar support page 154Образование:

support page 154
вспомогательный глагол have/ has + смысловой

глагол Ved/ V3 “+” I have visited the swimming pool this month. “?” Have you visited the swimming pool this month? Yes, I have. - No, I have not. “-” I have not visited the swimming pool this month.

Слайд 4 Памятка №1
Be polite. Use the phrases:
“Excuse me. Can

Памятка №1Be polite. Use the phrases:“Excuse me. Can I ask you

I ask you a question?”
“You are welcome.”
“Thank you.”
“Not at


Слайд 5
Go to the dentist - 5
Check eyes -

Go to the dentist - 5Check eyes - 7Eat fruit

Eat fruit and vegetables -
Drink milk -
Walk -

your hands -
Visit the swimming pool -
Do your morning exercises -
Play sports –
Eat cereal –
Eat healthy food -

Watch TV much -
Use the computer much -
Eat a lot of cake -

To be healthy you should/ shouldn’t

Слайд 6 “Tips for healthy kids”
Памятка № 2

To be healthy

“Tips for healthy kids” Памятка № 2To be healthy you




Слайд 7 Are you a healthy class?
I think we’re a

Are you a healthy class? I think we’re a healthy class

healthy class because we often …
But I think we

should … more.
And we shouldn’t … .

I don’t think we’re a very healthy class because we …
I think we should … more to be healthier.
And we shouldn’t … .

Слайд 8 What have you learnt at the lesson?
What tense

What have you learnt at the lesson?What tense have you used?What was difficult, interesting for you?

have you used?
What was difficult, interesting for you?

Слайд 9 Self-assessment


  • Имя файла: zdorove.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 100
  • Количество скачиваний: 0