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Презентация на тему Attractions of brazil

Iguazu FallsIguazu falls is located on the eponymous river in South America, on the border of Argentina and Brazil. The name Iguazu with Indian means "big water". The legend says that when God wanted to marry
Attractions of Brazil Iguazu FallsIguazu falls is located on the eponymous river in South America, National Park jauNational Park jau is located in the state of Amazonia. The national Park of Serra do CatimbauThe Serra do Catimbau national Park, PantanalThe Pantanal is a unique protected area, the world's largest marshlands covered The Statue Of Christ The RedeemerThe statue of Christ the Redeemer stands Sao Miguel das MissoesSao Miguel das Missoes is ancient ruins, located in Fernando de NoronhaThe archipelago of Fernando de Noronha consists of more than
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Слайд 2 Iguazu Falls
Iguazu falls is located on the eponymous

Iguazu FallsIguazu falls is located on the eponymous river in South

river in South America, on the border of Argentina

and Brazil. The name Iguazu with Indian means "big water". The legend says that when God wanted to marry a beautiful aboriginal name for Neipu, she chose to elope with another canoe. God was angry, divided the river and created the waterfalls, condemning escaped to an eternal fall. Iguazu falls is deservedly called one of the 7 wonders of the world, as it is the largest and most powerful waterfall on Earth (a width of up to 2,700 meters). Options in Iguazu sources are different: the height of the cascades ranges from 72 to 86 meters.

Слайд 3 National Park jau
National Park jau is located in

National Park jauNational Park jau is located in the state of

the state of Amazonia. This is one of the

largest parks in Brazil. Jau was founded in 1980, and in 2000 was listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO. In 2003, after Association with other protected areas, was included in the Central Amazon conservation complex.

Слайд 4 The national Park of Serra do Catimbau
The Serra

The national Park of Serra do CatimbauThe Serra do Catimbau national

do Catimbau national Park, is located in the state

of Pernambuco. It was formed in 2002. Currently the total area of the Serra do Catimbau equals 62300 hectares. The Park is on the list of areas of Brazil with a special biological importance. The reason was situated on its territory, one of surviving in our day, the plot caatinga.

Слайд 5 Pantanal
The Pantanal is a unique protected area, the

PantanalThe Pantanal is a unique protected area, the world's largest marshlands

world's largest marshlands covered with flowering plants. For several

hundred years the unique climate of the Pantanal contributed to the development of unique flora and fauna, unique to this area. There is a reserve in the South-Western part of Brazil. Since 2000 protected area Pantanal was taken under protection by UNESCO as a world heritage site.

Слайд 6 The Statue Of Christ The Redeemer
The statue of

The Statue Of Christ The RedeemerThe statue of Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer stands in the former capital of

Brazil is Rio de Janeiro. In 2007 she was included in the list of "New seven wonders of the world. Its height is 38 meters, the weight of 1145 tons, a reach of 30 meters. It was built on mount Corcovado, which means "Brokeback mountain". Its name derives from the shape. In 1859 in Rio de Janeiro arrived father Pedro Maria Boss. He was so surprised by the beauty of the Corcovado mountain, which he proposed to build a religious monument on its summit. The idea was approved, and construction began on the railway leading to the top of the mountain. The railroad was completed to 1884. And the construction of the statue was delayed.

Слайд 7 Sao Miguel das Missoes
Sao Miguel das Missoes is

Sao Miguel das MissoesSao Miguel das Missoes is ancient ruins, located

ancient ruins, located in the Brazilian province of Rio

Grande do Sul. In Portuguese, the name means "the Mission of St. Michael". The ruins of são Miguel das Missoes are part of the UNESCO world heritage. In the mid-17th century, Jesuit missionaries founded the mission of San Miguel das Missoes, intending to use it to convert the Guarani Indians to Christianity. The mission was founded near the Indian village of Fiasco. Later the mission was moved to its present location.

  • Имя файла: attractions-of-brazil.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 123
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