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Презентация на тему cup_russia_final_edition (1)

The new strategy is based on strengthening Tyoma priority segments in the Moscow infant food market. The expected sales gain rate is X% by the end of 2017. In terms of the specific features of the
STRATEGY FOR INFANT PRODUCTS CATEGORY GROWTH  FOR DANONE IN MOSCOW The new strategy is based on strengthening Tyoma priority segments in the Focus on high-marginal SKUs sales growth in Moscow Hyper/Supermarkets will enable strong 1.General message 1-2 sentence (summary of the slide) our предложение-> impact on Current marketing policy needs improvement in the field of promos, that will Danone’s priority social mission is caring about children’s health and future - Burobin MaximLobkovskaya DariaVoronova OlgaBobov PetrThe Masters Team Sources used: RBK Research, Rosstat, Forbes, Companies reports, Team’s analysis Sources used: Case information, Team’s analysis. 24 091,50 *Units=Number of families*(percentage of families*6-(1-percentage of families)*3,5) Sources used: Case information, Team’s analysis. Assumption: average curd price – 29
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The new strategy is based on strengthening Tyoma

The new strategy is based on strengthening Tyoma priority segments in

priority segments in the Moscow infant food market. The expected

sales gain rate is X% by the end of 2017.

In terms of the specific features of the infant nutrition market the key factors of continuous sales growth are

Sources: Danone, Team’s analysis

The implementation of the following steps …

… is expected to proceed the growth of the following KPIs by the end of 2017

Слайд 3

Focus on high-marginal SKUs sales growth in Moscow

Focus on high-marginal SKUs sales growth in Moscow Hyper/Supermarkets will enable

Hyper/Supermarkets will enable strong total sales growth in +38%

by the end of 2017

Слайд 4

General message 1-2 sentence (summary of the slide) our

1.General message 1-2 sentence (summary of the slide) our предложение-> impact

предложение-> impact on sales increase

The new flavors should be




Слайд 5 Current marketing policy needs improvement in the field

Current marketing policy needs improvement in the field of promos, that

of promos, that will allow the high-margin sales growth

and the total sales volume improvement.

Sources: Danone, Team’s analysis, Appendix 2

Слайд 6 Danone’s priority social mission is caring about children’s

Danone’s priority social mission is caring about children’s health and future

health and future - the same mission share the


The key to success − cooperating with the leading children’s health care centers, who have deserved the parents’ trust and appreciation.

Mutually beneficial solution
giving seminars and public talks on parenting and nutrition provides:

Establishing strong connection between Danone and parents
Improving buyers’ loyalty
Meeting the customers’ preferences and needs
Familiarizing parents with Danone and the infant food line
Attracting new customers

Sources: RBK Research, Rosstat, Forbes, Companies reports, Team’s analysis (Appendix 1)

Слайд 8 Burobin Maxim
Lobkovskaya Daria
Voronova Olga
Bobov Petr
The Masters Team

Burobin MaximLobkovskaya DariaVoronova OlgaBobov PetrThe Masters Team

Слайд 9 Sources used: RBK Research, Rosstat, Forbes, Companies reports,

Sources used: RBK Research, Rosstat, Forbes, Companies reports, Team’s analysis

Team’s analysis

Слайд 10 Sources used: Case information, Team’s analysis.
24 091,50

Sources used: Case information, Team’s analysis. 24 091,50 *Units=Number of families*(percentage of families*6-(1-percentage of families)*3,5)

*Units=Number of families*(percentage of families*6-(1-percentage of families)*3,5)

  • Имя файла: cup_russia_final_edition-1.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 108
  • Количество скачиваний: 0