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Презентация на тему День независимости

On July 4 the Americans celebrate their national holiday — Independence Day. The United States gained independence as a result of gradual and painful process.
Independence Day On July 4 the Americans celebrate their national holiday — Independence Day. By the mid 1700's, it became difficult for thirteen British colonies in Lively music is heard everywhere. People play baseball or compete at three-legged Wherever Americans are around the globe they will get together to celebrate Independence Day.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 On July 4 the Americans celebrate their national

On July 4 the Americans celebrate their national holiday — Independence

holiday — Independence Day. The United States gained independence

as a result of gradual and painful process.

Слайд 3 By the mid 1700's, it became difficult for

By the mid 1700's, it became difficult for thirteen British colonies

thirteen British colonies in the New World to be

ruled by a king 3000 miles across the ocean. The British empire imposed high taxes upon the colonies. In 1775, the Revolutionary War began and lasted until 1783.

Слайд 4 Lively music is heard everywhere. People play baseball

Lively music is heard everywhere. People play baseball or compete at

or compete at three-legged races or pie-eating or water-melon-eating


On July 4, Americans have holiday from work. People have day-long picnics with favourite foods like hot dogs, ham-burgers, potato salad, baked beans.

  • Имя файла: den-nezavisimosti.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 134
  • Количество скачиваний: 4