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Презентация на тему Introduction to laboratory-treatment of uncertainties

Introduction to Physics LaboratoryErrors / Uncertainties in MeasurementsRandom and Systematic ErrorsEstimating Random Experimental ErrorsCombining Experimental Errors
Introduction to Laboratory - Treatment of Uncertainties Introduction to Physics LaboratoryErrors / Uncertainties in MeasurementsRandom and Systematic ErrorsEstimating Random Experimental ErrorsCombining Experimental Errors Your lab book must be submitted at the end of the lab      Accuracy: The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation conforms Random ErrorVaries between successive measurements of the same quantityIs equally likely to A result is said to be accurate if it is relatively free Digital meter: reading error is usually taken as When you have several measurements of the same quantity, the best estimate When two quantities are proportional, you can estimate (visually or using Excel) When variables are multiplied or divided, fractional uncertainties are added When variables are added or subtracted, absolute uncertainties are added Suppose we want to estimate the acceleration due to gravity, g, using Knowing the true value of g at the Earth’s surface, what can You then realized that you did not use the ruler appropriately and
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Introduction to Physics Laboratory

Errors / Uncertainties in Measurements


Introduction to Physics LaboratoryErrors / Uncertainties in MeasurementsRandom and Systematic ErrorsEstimating Random Experimental ErrorsCombining Experimental Errors

and Systematic Errors

Estimating Random Experimental Errors

Combining Experimental Errors

Слайд 3 Your lab book must be submitted at the

Your lab book must be submitted at the end of the

end of the lab session.
Your report must be structured

/ Aim of the experiment
Experimental results (including tables and graphs)
Answers to the questions in the lab instructions
Uncertainty analysis

Слайд 6 Accuracy: The degree to which the result of

Accuracy: The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation

a measurement, calculation conforms to the correct value or

a standard
=> accuracy is the measure of exactness

Precision: Refinement in a measurement, calculation, as represented by the number of digits given
=> precision is the measure of reproducibility or consistency

Слайд 8 Random Error
Varies between successive measurements of the same

Random ErrorVaries between successive measurements of the same quantityIs equally likely

Is equally likely to be positive or negative
Can be

reduced by measuring the same quantity several times and taking the average (or the mean)

Слайд 9 A result is said to be accurate if

A result is said to be accurate if it is relatively

it is relatively free from systematic errors
A result is

said to be precise if the random error is small

Слайд 10 Digital meter: reading error is usually taken as

Digital meter: reading error is usually taken as

V =

(3.36± 0.01) V

Linear / Vernier Scale: reading error is usually taken as the smallest scale division

L = (16.7 ± 0.1) cm

Слайд 12 When you have several measurements of the same

When you have several measurements of the same quantity, the best

quantity, the best estimate is the average (mean)

The random

error can be estimated from the minimum and maximum value

Слайд 14 When two quantities are proportional, you can estimate

When two quantities are proportional, you can estimate (visually or using

(visually or using Excel) the random error of the

gradient of the best-fit line as follows:

1) Draw a best-fit line and calculate the gradient G
2) Draw two lines of minimum (Gmin) and maximum (Gmax) gradients
3) Estimate the uncertainty in the gradient ΔG as:

Note that gradients usually have a dimension (hence a unit)

Слайд 16 When variables are multiplied or divided, fractional uncertainties

When variables are multiplied or divided, fractional uncertainties are added

are added

is called the fractional

uncertainty in A
It has no dimension

Слайд 17 When variables are added or subtracted, absolute uncertainties

When variables are added or subtracted, absolute uncertainties are added

are added

is called

the absolute uncertainty in A
It has the same dimension as A

Слайд 18 Suppose we want to estimate the acceleration due

Suppose we want to estimate the acceleration due to gravity, g,

to gravity, g, using a simple pendulum and we

- the period T = (1.848 ± 0.015) s from multiple readings
- the length L = (0.95 ± 0.05) m

Calculate the value of g and its estimated absolute random uncertainty

Слайд 19 Knowing the true value of g at the

Knowing the true value of g at the Earth’s surface, what

Earth’s surface, what can you conclude about random and

systematic errors?

  • Имя файла: introduction-to-laboratory-treatment-of-uncertainties.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 94
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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