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Презентация на тему Management in ojsc vimpelcom.

Founders Augie K. Fabela IIDmitry Zimin
Management in OJSC VimpelCom. Founders Augie K. Fabela IIDmitry Zimin Dmitry Borisovich ZiminDmitry Borisovich Zimin was born on April 28, 1933 in Augie K. Fabela IIAugie K. Fabela II was born in 1966 in Directors Khaled Bichara Kjell-Morten Johnsen Henk van DalenJo Lunder Andrei Baranov Management Team Anton KudryashovHead of the Russia business unit  Anton Kudryashov Olga TurischevaVice President, Marketing and Business Development  Olga N. Turischeva has Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer, Russia  Dmitry was born on the 31st Martin FurusethChief Marketing Officer  Martin serves in VimpelCom as Chief Marketing Marina DuminaVice-President, Legal issues  Marina was born in a family of The end
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Founders
Augie K. Fabela II
Dmitry Zimin

Founders Augie K. Fabela IIDmitry Zimin

Слайд 3 Dmitry Borisovich Zimin
Dmitry Borisovich Zimin was born on

Dmitry Borisovich ZiminDmitry Borisovich Zimin was born on April 28, 1933

April 28, 1933 in Moscow. His father, Boris Nikolaevich

Zimin, a research associate at Bauman State Technical University, was persecuted for political reasons and was sent to a Soviet penal labour camp in 1935. His mother worked as a typist. Predecessors of Dmitry Zimin are famous for making a project of and building the Moscow water supply system, as well as founding the silk-weaving industry in the Moscow suburbs – Drezna and Orekhovo-Zuevo; at the beginning of XX century, one of them (Sergei Zimin) established a private opera theater. 
In 1957, Dmitry Zimin graduated from Radio Electronics for Flying Vehicles School at Moscow Aviation Institute, in 1963 – he got a PhD, while in 1984 – he got ScD degree.
Dmitry Zimin is an academic at International Telecommunications Academy, a corresponding member of Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences and a member of the presidium of the Russian Academy of Business. He is an author of over 100 scientific studies and inventions, a winner of the Popov Award given by the USSR Science Academy (1965) and State Award of the Russian Federation (1993).
Mr Zimin has occupied managerial positions in A.L. Mints Institute of Radio Engineering (RTI) for more than 35 years: he was employed as head of the laboratory, head of scientific department, director of the centre for developing radio engineering equipment and deputy chief constructor of the major ground based radar included in the missile defense system.  
At the beginning of 1990s, Dmitry Zimin with a group of RTI engineers established a small enterprise “KB Impuls”, which made projects and manufactured radio equipment for civil purposes.
In 1992, he initiated founding the mobile telecommunications company ZAO VimpelCom (Beeline mobile communications). Headed by Mr Zimin, VimpelCom made a significant contribution into shaping the mobile communications market in Russia. The company became one of the market leaders over several years. 
In 1996, VimpelCom, transformed into an open joint-stock company by the time, became the first company in the new Russian history, which was listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
Foreign investors recognized VimpelCom as the first Russian company that fully corresponded to all the international requirements for business transparency, corporate management and investor rights protection.  
Director General and President at VimpelCom, Dmitry Zimin was a member of the board at Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) for many years. In 2001, he received the National Award “Business Olympus” in the nomination “Business Reputation”. 
In May 2001, Dmitry Zimin resigned from the position of director general. Following a decision by the Board of Directors of the company, he was given a title of “Honorary President and Founder of VimpelCom Company”. 
Right after the resignation, Dmitry Zimin established the non-profit Dynasty Foundation to support Russian fundamental science and education and popularize scientific knowledge.
In 2007, a book “Dmitry Zimin. From 2 to 72, or Picture Book” by Dmitry Zimin came out.

Слайд 4 Augie K. Fabela II
Augie K. Fabela II was

Augie K. Fabela IIAugie K. Fabela II was born in 1966

born in 1966 in Chicago, Illinois.  Mr. Fabela developed

his entrepreneurial spirit early in life working in his father’s engineering business from the age of thirteen.
Following his graduation from Stanford in 1987 with a Master’s degree in International Policy Studies and a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations, Mr. Fabela spent two years working in Tokyo, Japan working for media conglomerate Fuji TV before returning to the United States to start his own business. Over the next few years, he started and led several successful businesses as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, including FGI Wireless Ltd., a private investment company, Maestro, an international marketing consulting company and TDF Corp, an information technology company. He became Chairman of Plexsys International (Comsat RSI Wireless), an American mobile infrastructure equipment manufacturer, after acquiring the company together with his father.   At the invitation of MAK Vimpel, a Russian defense contractor, Mr. Fabela first visited Russia in 1991. It was during this period that he saw the significant opportunity for wireless in Russia. It was also when he met his future partner in Dr. Dmitri B. Zimin, a senior scientist at the Radio Technical Institute, a division of MAK Vimpel.  Inspired to do what everyone said couldn't be done, Mr. Fabela and Dr. Zimin set out to accomplish their vision of bringing basic wireless communications to Russia. A young American entrepreneur who was only 25 years old and spoke no Russian and a 63 year old Russian scientist who spoke no English, were determined to build an independent company with an entrepreneurial and pioneering spirit--which led to the founding of VimpelCom in 1992.   One year later, VimpelCom launched its first commercial network, a five base station system in Moscow, limiting sales to only 1,000 mobile phones in order to ensure quality of service. The commercial service was launched under the Beeline brand, a brand created by Mr. Fabela in late 1993 to differentiate the company as a youthful and fun company, rather than a technical company.   During these early years, Mr. Fabela devoted himself to the development of VimpelCom, serving as Chief Operating Officer. His expertise in marketing, customer care and finance were central to the Company’s early success and a legacy of excellence that continues today. Mr. Fabela inspired the Company’s core values of transparency, strong corporate governance, quality and innovation.   In 1995, Mr. Fabela and Dr. Zimin made the decision to take VimpelCom public on the New York Stock Exchange and one year later the initial public offering took place, with VimpelCom becoming the first Russian company to list its shares on the New York Stock Exchange. Mr. Fabela became the youngest Chairman of am NYSE listed company. In the years that followed, Mr. Fabela led the teams that consummated multiple ground-breaking capital markets and M&A transactions, including the equity investments into OJSC VimpelCom by Telenor in 1998 and Alfa Group in 2000.  As Chairman, Mr. Fabela successfully worked with OJSC VimpelCom’s management and shareholders to ensure that the highest standards of corporate governance were maintained, and that all parties were working together to achieve the maximum growth for VimpelCom.  The commitment to these two key principles endures at VimpelCom Ltd. today.   Mr. Fabela was named the Company’s Chairman Emeritus after stepping down as Chairman in 2002 to dedicate time to his family. In hs role, of Chairman Emeritus, he has continued to be an active and valued advisor to the Company’s management and Board, providing guidance and insight on the strategic directions VimpelCom has taken.   Mr. Fabela continues to be an innovator in business policy and governance, serving as a member of the World Economic Forum (Davos), the RAND Business Leaders Forum and as Chairman of ELC Industries, a U.S. defense contractor. Mr. Fabela is a devoted philanthropist and civic contributor. He and his wife founded the Fabela Family Foundation, a foundation that supports early childhood education and Christian initiatives, as well as an advisor to the Dmitri B. Zimin Dynasty Foundation. Mr. Fabela is also a police officer, with the rank of Deputy Commander, volunteering on the AirOne Helicopter Search and Rescue Unit in Illinois, USA.

Слайд 5 Directors
Khaled Bichara
Kjell-Morten Johnsen
Henk van Dalen
Jo Lunder
Andrei Baranov

Directors Khaled Bichara Kjell-Morten Johnsen Henk van DalenJo Lunder Andrei Baranov

Слайд 6 Management Team
Anton Kudryashov
Head of the Russia business unit Anton

Management Team Anton KudryashovHead of the Russia business unit Anton Kudryashov

Kudryashov has been Head of the Russia business unit

and General Director of OJSC VimpelCom since January 16th, 2012. Previously Anton Kudryashov served as Chief Executive Officer of CTC Media since August 2008. Mr. Kudryashov started his professional career at CS First Boston international investment bank. Later he became one of the founding partners of Renaissance Capital investment bank. Mr. Kudryashov also held senior executive positions in insurance and private equity.
In 2002-2003, he served as restructuring CEO of NTV-Plus. In 1998, Mr. Kudryashov founded Afisha Publishing House, one of the most dynamic publishing start-ups in the last 10 years in Russia. He was the Chairman of the Board of Afisha Publishing House until 2005.
Mr. Kudryashov is a graduate in Economics from Moscow Finance Institute and did his post-graduate studies at London School of Economics. Member of the Russian Television Academy. "Media Manager of Russia 2010" Award for Television. Acknowledged by the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev for achievements in broadcasting industry.

Слайд 7 Olga Turischeva
Vice President, Marketing and Business Development Olga N.

Olga TurischevaVice President, Marketing and Business Development Olga N. Turischeva has

Turischeva has served as Vice President, Marketing and Business

Development of the Guarantor since December 2010. She served as CEO of Rambler Media Limited from April 2009 to August 2010. Ms. Turischeva served as Director of Beeline Ventures from July 2007 to April 2009 and as Marketing Director of the Guarantor from January 2001 until June 2007. From 1998 until 2000 Olga served as Marketing Director of BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH Moscow, Russia. Prior to 1998, Ms. Turischeva held senior positions at Merloni Elettrodomestici S.p.A. CIS, Baltic and East Europe Representative Office.
In October 2010 Olga returned to VimpelCom as Vice President, Marketing and Business Development.
Ms.Turischeva has a M.S. degree from the Moscow State University.

Слайд 8 Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer, Russia Dmitry was born on

Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer, Russia Dmitry was born on the 31st

the 31st of October, 1961 in Serpukhov, Moscow region.

graduated from Moscow Electrotechnical  University in 1984 with a degree of Engineer-economist. After graduation he worked in the Central Research Institute “Kometa” as a software engineer. In 1991 he moved to ME (machine-building enterprise) “Avtor” in the position of Chief engineer.
In 1993 after joining Ernst&Young, holding Deputy Chief Accountant position, he concentrated on financial activities. Then he worked as Chief accountant and financial controller.
In 1998 Dmitry moved to “PepsiCo Holding” to the position of manager of financial reporting.
In 2002 Dmitry started his career in VimpelCom, and was promoted from the regional financial controller to financial director of CIS and foreign transactions. In 2007 he was awarded a “Diamond bee” for his achievements.
In August, 2010 Dmitry was appointed Chief Financial Officer of Russia business unit.
Dmitry is married and has a daughter

Dmitry Afinogenov

Слайд 9 Martin Furuseth
Chief Marketing Officer Martin serves in VimpelCom as

Martin FurusethChief Marketing Officer Martin serves in VimpelCom as Chief Marketing

Chief Marketing Officer since January 2010.
Before joining VimpelCom Martin

worked as Vice President and COO at Telenor and Kyivstar GSM in Ukraine where he was responsible for marketing, technical and general company strategy.
Martin has profound experience as Head of the global sales organization of Siemens Mobile Phones where he implemented a new sales organization with 14 regions and a new HQ structure as well as a new structure for Global Accounts (Vodafone, Orange++) with excellent feedback from customers.
From 2002 to 2003 Martin held the position of General Manager, Tech Data, Germany. He was one of two Managing Directors leading the German organization of 720 Employees, the second largest IT-distributor in Germany.
Martin’s working experience also includes Compaq Computer GmbH in Munich, VIAG Interkom, Munich (later O2 Germany), Telenor A.S., Norway, Digital Equipment Corporation, Norway, WANG Norway and International Business Machines — IBM.

Слайд 10 Marina Dumina
Vice-President, Legal issues Marina was born in a

Marina DuminaVice-President, Legal issues Marina was born in a family of

family of hereditary lawyers. In 1980 she graduated from

the Faculty of Law in Moscow State University. Marina started her career in Moscow Bar Association and then entered postgraduate education program in the Academy of Sciences.
In her professional development Marina concentrated on studying international aspects of legal activities. She improved her qualification combining her studies with practice in foreign companies in France, Norway and UK.
From 1993 Marina worked in Moscow representative office of Linklaters and Paines as  Senior lawyer. In 1998 she started working with Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, where she was responsible for international judicial disputes. In 2006 Marina became a partner of Moscow branch of Akin Gump. She was a member of different expert boards and worked with Federal Securities and Exchange Commission within a framework of her projects.
In June, 2010 Marina was appointed Vice-President, Legal issues of OJCS VimpelCom. In this position Marina is responsible for all legal issues in the Company, providing legitimacy of activities and advocacy for VimpelCom.

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