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Презентация на тему What are you thankful for?

Thank you, God for this food so yummy;Thank you for a happy tummy!Thank you, Lord, for this special treat;We'll keep Your blessings in mind, as we eat.Thanks for food and thanks for _____________ ;Thanks to our
What are you thankful for?Интерактивнаявикторина по чтениюдля 7-11 классов Автор:Ольга Михайловна Степановаучитель Thank you, God for this food so yummy;Thank you for a happy For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of Thanks for winter snow capes so serene, Harvest fields of gold and Thank you God for all that grows,Thank you for the sky's rainbows,Thank God is great and God is good,And we thank God for our We thank you, Lord,for happy hearts,for rain and sunny __________;we thank you For food, for friends, for happiness we give our thanks to Thee, Thank you God for blue skies over me, Green grass under me, Thank you, Lord, for each new day you give to me, For Bless the food upon the dishes as you blessed the loaves and Be thankful for homeBe thankful for foodBe thankful for birds that flyBe I'm glad that I was good todayAs good as I was ableI'm I'm glad that it's Thanksgiving DayAnd all the world is merryAnd I'm SourcesThanksgiving Prayers http://www.poemsource.com/thanksgiving-prayers.htmlChild’s Thanksgiving Prayer http://www.prayer-and-prayers.info/thanksgiving-prayers/childs-thanksgiving-prayer.htmThanksgiving Prayer to God http://www.lords-prayer-words.com/prayers_before/thanksgiving_prayer_to_god.htmlTHANKSGIVING  POETRY http://www.teachingfirst.net/Poems/Thanksgiving.htmlhttp://imperiumcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Thanksgiving.jpghttp://www.imagesbuddy.com/images/18/2013/03/give-thanks-today-always-happy-thanksgiving-glitter.gifhttp://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/5c/dd/d9/5cddd9d370f6cc94925ae91ef16a09b5.jpghttp://www.graphics99.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/happy-thanksgiving-turkey-picture.gifhttp://www.commentnation.com/comments/happy_thanksgiving_glitter_text.gif
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Thank you, God for this food so yummy;

Thank you, God for this food so yummy;Thank you for a

you for a happy tummy!
Thank you, Lord, for this

special treat;
We'll keep Your blessings in mind, as we eat.
Thanks for food and thanks for _____________ ;
Thanks to our Lord in heaven above.

Слайд 3 For each new morning with its light, For rest

For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter

and shelter of the _______, For health and food, For love

and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends.

Слайд 4 Thanks for winter snow capes so serene, Harvest fields

Thanks for winter snow capes so serene, Harvest fields of gold

of gold and green,
Thanks for stars that twinkle high

above And all the people that I love.

Слайд 5 Thank you God for all that grows,
Thank you

Thank you God for all that grows,Thank you for the sky's

for the sky's rainbows,
Thank you for the stars that

Thank you for these friends of mine,
Thank you for the moon and sun,
Thank you God for all you've done!

Слайд 6 God is great and God is good,
And we

God is great and God is good,And we thank God for

thank God for our food;
By God's hand we must

be fed,
Give us Lord, our daily bread.

Слайд 7 We thank you, Lord,
for happy hearts,
for rain and

We thank you, Lord,for happy hearts,for rain and sunny __________;we thank

sunny __________;
we thank you for the food we eat,

that we are together.
Bender Family

Слайд 8 For food, for friends, for happiness
we give

For food, for friends, for happiness we give our thanks to

our thanks to Thee, And pray that other families

be as blessed as we.
For all we eat, for all we_________ ,
for all the good things everywhere, Father in Heaven we thank Thee.

Слайд 9 Thank you God for blue skies over me, Green

Thank you God for blue skies over me, Green grass under

grass under me, Good friends beside me. Thank you God for

good food in front of me And _____________ all over the world.

Слайд 10 Thank you, Lord, for each new day you

Thank you, Lord, for each new day you give to me,

give to me, For earth and sky and sand and

sea, For rainbows after springtime showers, Autumn leaves and summer flowers, For Beauty shining all around, Lilac scent and robin _____________ ,

Слайд 11 Bless the food upon the dishes as you blessed

Bless the food upon the dishes as you blessed the loaves

the loaves and fishes. As the sugar hides in the

___________ , let me hide myself in Thee.

Слайд 12 Be thankful for home
Be thankful for food
Be thankful

Be thankful for homeBe thankful for foodBe thankful for birds that

for birds that fly
Be thankful for sleep
Be thankful for

Be thankful for clouds in the _______ .

Слайд 13 I'm glad that I was good today
As good

I'm glad that I was good todayAs good as I was

as I was able
I'm glad to be inside this

And sitting at this _____________


Слайд 14 I'm glad that it's Thanksgiving Day
And all the

I'm glad that it's Thanksgiving DayAnd all the world is merryAnd

world is merry
And I'm glad I have a fork

that the pie is _________ .

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-what-are-you-thankful-for.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 89
  • Количество скачиваний: 0