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Презентация на тему The peoples of the world and their classification

Fluctuations in the number of different ethnic groups is very significant. So, the largest number of Nations with more than 100 million people. It's Chinese, hindustanis, Americans USA, Bengalis, Russians, Brazilians, Japanese. Tiny endangered ethnic groups
The peoples of the world and their classification  The concept of Fluctuations in the number of different ethnic groups is very significant. So, Indian peoples of America in linguistically divided into family na-Dene, ceveroamerikanskoy, tsentralnoaziatsky, Australian family, as seen from its name, is concentrated in Australia. It The peoples of the world are also divided into three main races: As a result of mixing of various big races formed the so-called Thank you for your attention!
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Слайд 2 Fluctuations in the number of different ethnic groups

Fluctuations in the number of different ethnic groups is very significant.

is very significant. So, the largest number of Nations

with more than 100 million people. It's Chinese, hindustanis, Americans USA, Bengalis, Russians, Brazilians, Japanese. Tiny endangered ethnic groups (or rather, fragments of ethnic groups) don't count today and 10 people. These include the OPA, EBA, Bina in Papua New Guinea and others. Not less significant difference ethnicities and levels of socio-economic development: Nations are still in the primitive stage, coexist people, highly developed in social attitudes. Also very large linguistic-cultural differences. Each nation speaks a special language, although it happens that one and the same language used by some ethnic groups or, conversely, one ethnos speaks several languages. However, many languages are related among themselves, and the degree of this relationship is different. Also the a significant range of similarities and differences in the cultures of different Nations.

Слайд 3 Indian peoples of America in linguistically divided into

Indian peoples of America in linguistically divided into family na-Dene, ceveroamerikanskoy,

family na-Dene, ceveroamerikanskoy, tsentralnoaziatsky, the chibcha-PAES (South Central and

North South America), same-Pano-Carib, Andean, Equatorial-tucanoan. Of these families the most significant Andean family (0.4% of the population of the world), it includes the largest native American people of Quechua.

Слайд 4 Australian family, as seen from its name, is

Australian family, as seen from its name, is concentrated in Australia.

concentrated in Australia. It combines very small in number

indigenous peoples of this continent

Слайд 5 The peoples of the world are also divided

The peoples of the world are also divided into three main

into three main races: Caucasoid (or Kavkasioni), Mongoloid and

Negroid. Eastern area of the Negroid often seen as a big special Australoid race. Some foreign scientists produce a greater number of major human races, for example americanidol, laponogov, Malay race and other

Слайд 6 As a result of mixing of various big

As a result of mixing of various big races formed the

races formed the so-called contact races, of which there

are now quite a lot. So, from the mixing of the Eastern branch of the Northern Europeans and Northern Mongoloids occurred Ural (Ural-Lappish) racial group. To a mixed group is established from the first centuries of a new era in the vast steppe area between the Ural mountains and the Yenisei river South Siberian group, which is dominated by Mongoloid features. In the middle ages in the more southern areas are mixed of the Central Asian groups dominated in most cases Caucasoid element. In the East and South-East Asia was the area of contact between the Mongoloid and avstraloidov, where at different times had a number of mixed forms, such as the South Asian group with a preponderance of Mongoloid features.

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