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Презентация на тему 2017 - год экологии. 7 класс

Pollution water soil airWe should ….We must….We have to….We can….We do….
2017 – a year of ecology Pollution  water soil airWe should ….We must….We have to….We can….We do…. Animals in danger! DeforestationLost habitatsPoachersDroughtPollutionGlobal warming……? Give your ideas:We should….. We can…… We have to ……. We must…….! Let’s save our planet!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Pollution water soil air
We should ….
We must….
We have

Pollution water soil airWe should ….We must….We have to….We can….We do….

We can….
We do….

Слайд 3 Animals in danger!
Lost habitats
Global warming

Animals in danger! DeforestationLost habitatsPoachersDroughtPollutionGlobal warming……?

Слайд 4 Give your ideas:
We should….. We can…… We have

Give your ideas:We should….. We can…… We have to ……. We must…….!

to ……. We must…….!

  • Имя файла: 2017-god-ekologii-7-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 141
  • Количество скачиваний: 0