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Презентация на тему на английском языке Проект Семейные традиции

Hypothesis: Tradition affect the unity of the family.
Russian and English Family TraditionsThe 8th Form2018 Hypothesis:   Tradition affect the unity of the family. The goal: figuring out how traditions influence the cohesion of the family.Tasks: The progress of the research:What are our traditions in the family; Learned Results of the study:Tradition - it is a custom order, behaviors of The results of the comparison of traditions in Russian and in English Conclusions:Family - is the cell of society. Each family represents a certain Traditions Of My Family  Family is an integral part of Other than that, we are used to share the household chores. Everyone We always prepare postcards and presents for everyone who visits us and
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Hypothesis: Tradition affect the unity of the family.

Hypothesis:  Tradition affect the unity of the family.

Слайд 3 The goal: figuring out how traditions influence the

The goal: figuring out how traditions influence the cohesion of the

cohesion of the family.
1. Learn that represent tradition;

learn about the traditions of Russia and England ;
3.Compare the family traditions of England and Russia;
4.Know the role played by tradition in my family;

Слайд 4 The progress of the research:

What are our traditions

The progress of the research:What are our traditions in the family;

in the family;

Learned what makes our family from

the English families;

Pointeresovatsya everyone what their tradition in the family, and what value they have in bringing together family members.

Слайд 5 Results of the study:
Tradition - it is a

Results of the study:Tradition - it is a custom order, behaviors

custom order, behaviors of family members who faithfully transmitted

from the older generation to the younger.

In my family there are the following traditions: the celebration of birthdays, New Year, Easter.

According to the poll other peers, I learned that we have a similar tradition in the family, except for minor differences timely breakfasts, dinners, visits to socio-cultural activities, travel abroad. Every family has its own traditions, which contributes to the convergence of the family both spiritually and morally

Слайд 6 The results of the comparison of traditions in

The results of the comparison of traditions in Russian and in

Russian and in English families


Mother's day children give flowers

and cards to mothers.
Easter — Bundt cakes, dyeing eggs.
New year — decorating the house Christmas tree, tinsel,placing the gifts under the tree.
Christmas cooking sochivo, production description, duck or goose with apples.
The tea - samovar, rolls


Mother's day -children do all the housework around the house.
Easter — the decoration of the tree branches with swollen buds, the daffodils decoration
New Year — the custom of the father of the family to leave the house through the back year old carrying with him when he comes back he is met with shouts and laughter .
Christmas — cooking Turkey breast with gooseberry sauce,Christmas pudding and brandy.
The tea - cream tea special recipe, and at certain times.

Слайд 7 Conclusions:
Family - is the cell of society. Each

Conclusions:Family - is the cell of society. Each family represents a

family represents a certain kind of traditions and customs.

The tradition for the family are the main way to someone give attention and affection

Слайд 8 Traditions Of My Family Family is an integral part

Traditions Of My Family Family is an integral part of

of every person’s life. It is the most important

social unit. A sense of stability and tradition, that family provides, can’t be replaced by anything or anyone. Perhaps, every family follows some special traditions that have been passed to them by former generations. My family is not an exception. For example, in my family it is habitual to dine together. Every evening, when my parents come home from work, we have a nourishing family dinner. First of all, it lets us feel as a close unit. Secondly, we get to discuss the important events of the day. The same tradition can be seen in my grandparents’ house.

Слайд 9

Other than that, we are used to share

Other than that, we are used to share the household chores.

the household chores. Everyone has its own duties. For

example, my mum is responsible for cooking, while my dad always does the shopping. I’m responsible for the pets and plants, while my older sister is responsible for washing the dishes and vacuum-cleaning. In my opinion, we are a close-knit and friendly family. Each time there is an official holiday we invite the friends and arrange a posh feast. We especially like celebrating New Year and Christmas. The traditional New Year dishes in our home are a roast chicken, a couple of Russian salads and my mum’s specialty - a vanilla cake.

Слайд 10 We always prepare postcards and presents for everyone

We always prepare postcards and presents for everyone who visits us

who visits us and for our family members. The

presents are usually placed under the Christmas tree. Other family tradition is going out on Friday nights. Every Friday we go out for a dinner. After that, we either come back home to watch a good movie, or we go to the cinema. There are lots of other traditions in my family, but these seem to be the most important ones.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-na-angliyskom-yazyke-proekt-semeynye-traditsii.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 207
  • Количество скачиваний: 3