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Презентация на тему по английскому языку

Hello my name is Nikita I want to tell you about my working day
My working day Hello my name is Nikita I want to tell you about my working day In the morning I get up and go to the bathroom where Sometimes I do my morning exercises but not always In the morning I drink coffee and eat a sandwich Then I go to the college The lessons begin at   half past eight a.m. After the lessons I go home and do my homework At 2 p.m. I have lunch in the canteen of my college For dinner I eat soup and drink tea In the evening I watch TV or play computer games and at
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Hello my name is Nikita
I want to

Hello my name is Nikita I want to tell you about my working day

tell you about my working day

Слайд 3
In the morning I get up and go

In the morning I get up and go to the bathroom

to the bathroom where I wash my face and

clean my teeth

Слайд 4 Sometimes I do my morning exercises but not

Sometimes I do my morning exercises but not always


Слайд 5 In the morning I drink coffee and eat

In the morning I drink coffee and eat a sandwich

a sandwich

Слайд 6 Then I go to the college

Then I go to the college

Слайд 7 The lessons begin at half past eight

The lessons begin at  half past eight a.m.


Слайд 8 After the lessons I go home and do

After the lessons I go home and do my homework

my homework

Слайд 9 At 2 p.m. I have lunch in the

At 2 p.m. I have lunch in the canteen of my college

canteen of my college

Слайд 10 For dinner I eat soup and drink tea

For dinner I eat soup and drink tea

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 159
  • Количество скачиваний: 3