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Презентация на тему по английскому языку The Moscow Kremlin

The Moscow Kremlin is the main attraction of Russia. It is located in the oldest part of the capital, rises majestically above the city and consistently attracts travelers from all over the world. And not surprising,
The Moscow Kremlinperformed by Belova Olga student of 11a class The Moscow Kremlin is the main attraction of Russia. It is located The Kremlin complex is the official residence of the President of the The Kremlin is built on a high hill, with two sides surrounded The history of the first wooden buildings of the Moscow Kremlin goes In 1368, at the direction of the young Prince Dmitry Donskoy was In 1495 the Moscow Kremlin received a new brick towers and walls, The form of the modern Kremlin is an irregular triangle, the southern The main entrance to the Kremlin — Spassky gate — is located On the southwestern side of the Kremlin, the river, located Borovitsky gate From the West side of the Alexander garden in the Kremlin are In the Northern part of the Kremlin's Nikolsky gate is situated overlooking The oldest of the towers of the Kremlin walls are the Beklemishevskaya,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Moscow Kremlin is the main attraction of

The Moscow Kremlin is the main attraction of Russia. It is

Russia. It is located in the oldest part of

the capital, rises majestically above the city and consistently attracts travelers from all over the world. And not surprising, because every building here is a unique historical monument of the country. Due to its unique architectural ensemble of the Kremlin is included in the list and is under protection of UNESCO.

Слайд 3 The Kremlin complex is the official residence of

The Kremlin complex is the official residence of the President of

the President of the Russian Federation. Its territory is

"the Moscow Kremlin" State historical and cultural Museum-reserve.
It includes:
The Bell Tower Of Ivan The Great;
Cathedral square (full of architectural ensemble) - Archangel, Annunciation, assumption cathedrals, the Patriarch's Palace, Church of the deposition, the Tsar cannon and the Tsar bell;
Exhibition halls in the one-pillar chamber of the Patriarch's chambers and the assumption belfry.

Слайд 4 The Kremlin is built on a high hill,

The Kremlin is built on a high hill, with two sides

with two sides surrounded by rivers: the Moskva river

and the Neglinnaya. The high location of the Kremlin allowed them to see enemies from a greater distance, and the river served as a natural barrier in their way.

Слайд 5 The history of the first wooden buildings of

The history of the first wooden buildings of the Moscow Kremlin

the Moscow Kremlin goes back as far as 1156.

Around the small fortress that served as shelter from enemies, there were many villages with villages. In 1238 Moscow suffered terrible attack hordes of Batu Khan and was burned to the ground. In the XIV century Moscow, not just revived from the ashes, has been actively built up with stone.

Слайд 6 In 1368, at the direction of the young

In 1368, at the direction of the young Prince Dmitry Donskoy

Prince Dmitry Donskoy was built of white stone walls

and towers of the Kremlin. At the same time with stone consolidation was expanded territory of the Kremlin. In this view of the Moscow Kremlin stood for more than 100 years, subjected to numerous waves of enemies.

Слайд 7 In 1495 the Moscow Kremlin received a new

In 1495 the Moscow Kremlin received a new brick towers and

brick towers and walls, the new fortress and the

biggest territory. The end result from the point of view of military engineering, the Moscow Kremlin was a prominent building, meet all the requirements of the global defensive technology of the time.

Слайд 8 The form of the modern Kremlin is an

The form of the modern Kremlin is an irregular triangle, the

irregular triangle, the southern side of which facing the

river Moscow. It is surrounded by a brick wall with 20 towers of different architectures.

Слайд 9 The main entrance to the Kremlin — Spassky

The main entrance to the Kremlin — Spassky gate — is

gate — is located on the Eastern side facing

the red square, opposite St. Basil's Cathedral.

Слайд 10 On the southwestern side of the Kremlin, the

On the southwestern side of the Kremlin, the river, located Borovitsky

river, located Borovitsky gate through which in 1812 Napoleon

entered the Kremlin.

Слайд 11 From the West side of the Alexander garden

From the West side of the Alexander garden in the Kremlin

in the Kremlin are the Trinity gates in the

same tower previously used to store valuable Imperial archives.

Слайд 12 In the Northern part of the Kremlin's Nikolsky

In the Northern part of the Kremlin's Nikolsky gate is situated

gate is situated overlooking the Northern end of red

square. They are used for passage in state institutions.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-the-moscow-kremlin.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 162
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