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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Наша хрупкая планета(6 класс)

At the zoo
Our Fragile PlanetУчитель английского языка Прибега Г.Д. МБОУ школа № 100 с At the zoo RiddlesThe biggest land animal in the world. It lives in Africa and ListeningRubbish – мусор, бытовые отходыСommon – обычныйWhat was the weather like on that day? True / FalseTom Robinson taught English at school.Tom met pupils at school.Tom Our Fragile Planet Why do we have so many problems? The Passive VoicePresent Indefinite PassiveAm/ is/ are + V3Animals are kept in Active and passive voice1. We cut down trees2. We throw rubbish into ReadingWhat is the main idea of the text? How to solve the environmental problems? What should or shouldn’t we do Your class was asked to take part in the TV show “Our CROSSWORD Across: 1 – look out for2 – to be made of…3
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 At the zoo

At the zoo

Слайд 3 Riddles
The biggest land animal in the world. It

RiddlesThe biggest land animal in the world. It lives in Africa

lives in Africa and India.
This is a dangerous kind

of large fish. The Great White is the most famous. The film Jaws was about one of these.
It’s a big animal. It can be brown, black or white. It can be dangerous but lots of young children have a toy version of it.

Слайд 4 Listening
Rubbish – мусор, бытовые отходы

Сommon – обычный

What was

ListeningRubbish – мусор, бытовые отходыСommon – обычныйWhat was the weather like on that day?

the weather like on that day?

Слайд 5 True / False
Tom Robinson taught English at school.

True / FalseTom Robinson taught English at school.Tom met pupils at

met pupils at school.
Tom took his class to the

Tom decided to show mammals because it was the subject they were doing at the moment.
Near the cages there were big baskets for rubbish.
The children were happy and more interested in a small common mouse than the wonderful lions.

Слайд 6 Our Fragile Planet

Our Fragile Planet

Слайд 7 Why do we have so many problems?

Why do we have so many problems?

Слайд 8 The Passive Voice
Present Indefinite Passive

Am/ is/ are +

The Passive VoicePresent Indefinite PassiveAm/ is/ are + V3Animals are kept


Animals are kept in cages
Past Indefinite Passive

Was/ were +


Trees were cut down yesterday

Слайд 9 Active and passive voice
1. We cut down trees

Active and passive voice1. We cut down trees2. We throw rubbish

We throw rubbish into the rivers
3. We catch insects

We pollute air
5. We produce carbon dioxide when we burn trees

Слайд 10 Reading
What is the main idea of the text?

ReadingWhat is the main idea of the text?

Слайд 11 How to solve the environmental problems? What should

How to solve the environmental problems? What should or shouldn’t we

or shouldn’t we do to protect our environment? Use

the verbs in the box to complete the sentences. Cut down, destroy, plant, protect, recycle, save, throw away, waste

We should
________tropical rainforests

________more trees


________endangered species, such as pandas

We shouldn’t


_________plastic bags

_________energy and water

Слайд 12 Your class was asked to take part in

Your class was asked to take part in the TV show

the TV show “Our fragile planet”
Answer the questions:
What environmental

problems do we have?
Why do we have so many problems? (Passive Voice)
What should be done?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-nasha-hrupkaya-planeta6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
  • Количество скачиваний: 0