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Презентация на тему мини проекта на урок английского языка Ancient People in Russia

 Archaeologists have found different prehistoric things on the territory of Russia.
 Ancient people in RussiaAnastasia PonomarenkoEkaterina RadchenkoAnastasia SkakunKsenia ChemovaNikita Shevchenko  Archaeologists have found different prehistoric things on the territory of Russia. KostenkiVoronezh region Kostenki has been found by archaeologists in the Voronezh region. Prehistoric They made their hovels from mammoth bones, they was short, had wide noses. Zaraysk settlementMammoth bone toolExcavationsNecklace of fox teeth Zaraysk parking is monument of Sungir  The Sungir is he northernmost Homo sapiens’s settlement in Russia, wich People, who lived there, were nearly 178 centimeters tall. They hunted mammoths, horses, wolves. Cro-Magnons In postglacial Mesolithic era of the European part of Russia is Reconstruction of a Cro-Magnon. woman and child Swiderian culture was on the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2  Archaeologists have found different prehistoric things on

 Archaeologists have found different prehistoric things on the territory of Russia.

the territory of Russia.

Слайд 3 Kostenki
Voronezh region
 Kostenki has been found by archaeologists in

KostenkiVoronezh region Kostenki has been found by archaeologists in the Voronezh region.

the Voronezh region. Prehistoric people lived there about 43-33

thousand years ago.

Слайд 4 They made their hovels from mammoth bones, they

They made their hovels from mammoth bones, they was short, had wide noses.

was short, had wide noses.

Слайд 5 Zaraysk settlement
Mammoth bone tool
Necklace of fox teeth

Zaraysk settlementMammoth bone toolExcavationsNecklace of fox teeth Zaraysk parking is monument

parking is monument of world importance. it is located

in the Moscow region. But burial is not discovered and impossible to judge how it looks on the outside Zaraisky typical CRO-magnon.

Слайд 7 Sungir
  The Sungir is he northernmost Homo sapiens’s

Sungir  The Sungir is he northernmost Homo sapiens’s settlement in Russia,

settlement in Russia, wich situated in the Vladimir region.

It has been found by archaeologists in 1955. There were many interesting finds.

Слайд 8 People, who lived there, were nearly 178 centimeters

People, who lived there, were nearly 178 centimeters tall. They hunted mammoths, horses, wolves.

tall. They hunted mammoths, horses, wolves.

Слайд 9 Cro-Magnons
In postglacial Mesolithic era of the European

Cro-Magnons In postglacial Mesolithic era of the European part of Russia

part of Russia is inhabited by the CRO-magnons swiderian

culture, the descendants of whom were the Nations Butovsky (VIII—VI centuries BC) and upper Volga culture (VI—III thousand BC).

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-mini-proekta-na-urok-angliyskogo-yazyka-ancient-people-in-russia.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 175
  • Количество скачиваний: 0