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Презентация на тему проекта по английскому языку на тему:Моё село ученицы 6 класса Тарасовой Полины

I live in the country Stanovoe in the Lipetsk region.
Project «My Stanovoe»Form 5aTarasova Polina. I live in the country Stanovoe in the Lipetsk region. This is a great and beautiful country. Stanovoe became the center of culture and recreation. Around a vast green fields and wide open spaces. There are many ponds in Stanovoe. There is even a swimming pool. We can go there to swim and cool off. There is a library in the village. We can read there. There is a park in Stanovoe. We can walk in the park. We have a lot of monuments and sculptures. We study in a beautiful school. There is a cafe in the country. We can eat in the cafe. I love my Stanovoe very much!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 I live in the country Stanovoe in the

I live in the country Stanovoe in the Lipetsk region.

Lipetsk region.

Слайд 3 This is a great and beautiful country.

This is a great and beautiful country.

Слайд 4 Stanovoe became the center of culture and recreation.

Stanovoe became the center of culture and recreation.

Слайд 5 Around a vast green fields and wide open

Around a vast green fields and wide open spaces.


Слайд 6 There are many ponds in Stanovoe.

There are many ponds in Stanovoe.

Слайд 7 There is even a swimming pool.

There is even a swimming pool.

Слайд 8 We can go there to swim and cool

We can go there to swim and cool off.


Слайд 9 There is a library in the village.

There is a library in the village.

Слайд 10 We can read there.

We can read there.

Слайд 11 There is a park in Stanovoe.

There is a park in Stanovoe.

Слайд 12 We can walk in the park.

We can walk in the park.

Слайд 13 We have a lot of monuments and sculptures.

We have a lot of monuments and sculptures.

Слайд 14 We study in a beautiful school.

We study in a beautiful school.

Слайд 15 There is a cafe in the country.

There is a cafe in the country.

Слайд 16 We can eat in the cafe.

We can eat in the cafe.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-proekta-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temumoyo-selo-uchenitsy-6-klassa-tarasovoy-poliny.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 142
  • Количество скачиваний: 1