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P2: As you can see we are going to make our building in the form of a potato. Look out of the window all the buildings in our town are grey and gloomy. Its architecture leaves much to be desired. That's why our restaurant called "Potato Paradise" will look very interesting, temping and appetizing. We'll do our best to make our dreams come true. Thank you.
P2: But you haven't said a
word or two about our
springs. We have a lot of
them in our republic.
That's why you'll see
there our precious water
"Klenovaya Gora" or
"Aqua Marilandii". You
know "Aqua Minerale"
but it will be called
"Aqua Marilandii" because it will be made here in our republic. As you have understood our building will be in the form of a cup and a saucer. We think it will catch your eye on the one hand and on the other hand all the buildings in Yoshkar-Ola are ordinary and we want to make something extraordinary. Thank you. We think that you will be among the first visitors.
P2: As you have understood
our castle has four domes.
Each dome symbolizes the
cuisine this or that Republic.
And you know on the territory
of our republic not only
Mari people live but also Tatars,
Chuvashes and of course
Russians. The dishes of
these nations are various.
For instance one can taste here the following Mari dishes as MedveZhatina tushyonaya, vatrushkes with konoplya and Koman Melna. As for Chuvash dishes they are: Okroshka with prostokvasha and Huran Kuckla.
P3: And now a few words about Tatar and Russian dishes. One can find here chuck-chuck, very tasty like big Mac. And of course Borsch. It is a regular and favorite meal with us. That is all. Thank you!
P3: Now let's speak about the structure of the building. The plate lies on the bottom of the building. By each floor we mean a pancake. And on the top of our building you can see a saucer with some butter on it. I think nobody can imagine eating the pancakes without butter. Then you may ask me why there are so many floors there. You see this building will combine a restaurant, a hotel and even a museum which will be connected with the history, traditions and culture of Mari people.